This is FPGA JTAG programmer for ULX2/3S boards. You need to have bitstream ready.
FPGA ULX2S / ULX3S JTAG programmer command line options:
Usage: fujprog [option(s)] [bitstream_file]
Valid options:
-p PORT Select USB JTAG / UART PORT (default is 0)
-P TTY Select TTY port (valid only with -t or -a)
-T TYPE Select TYPE of input (svf, img, bit or jed)
-i identify and exit
-j TARGET Select bitstream TARGET as SRAM (default) or FLASH
-f ADDR Start writing to SPI flash at ADDR, optional with -j flash
-s FILE Convert bitstream to SVF FILE and exit
-r Reload FPGA configuration from FLASH
-t Enter terminal emulation mode after completing JTAG operations
-b SPEED Set baudrate to SPEED (300 to 3000000 bauds)
-e FILE Send and execute a f32c (MIPS/RISCV) binary FILE
-x SPEED Set binary transfer speed, optional with -e
-a FILE Send a raw FILE
-d debug (verbose)
-D DELAY Delay transmission of each byte by DELAY ms
-V display version and exit
-z Force action
-h This help message
-l X Display messages in log fashion every <X> times
-S serial Select FTDI by serial to support multiple boards
-q Suppress messages
Upload bitstream:
fujprog bitstream.bit
Upload bitstream to flash:
fujprog -j flash bitstream.bit
Upload bitstream from curl:
curl | fujprog
Upload flash image from curl:
curl | fujprog -T img -j flash
It is standard CMake procedure:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install
You can also pass optional parameters:
cmake -DBUILD_STATIC=ON -DLIBFTDISTATIC=/opt/libftdi/lib/libftdi.a -DLIBUSB0STATIC=/opt/libusb0/lib/libusb.a ..
make install/strip
You need following packages in order to build on Debian/Ubuntu systems:
sudo apt-get install libftdi1-dev libusb-dev cmake make build-essential
You need to install following dependencies (tested with homebrew):
brew install libftdi libftdi0
And then it is standard build with -DSTATICLIB=ON
mkdir build
cd build
make install/strip
Note that full static binary is not supported by Apple.
You need to download ftdi dependency lib:
wget v2.12.28 WHQL
Then you can just open folder inside Visual Studio and build Release versions.
You need to download ftdi dependency lib:
wget v2.12.28 WHQL
Cross compiling is done using standard cmake toolchain file:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=`pwd`/../cmake/Toolchain-cross-mingw32.cmake ..
You need to install dependencies:
pkg install libftdi1 pkgconf git cmake
And then it is standard CMake procedure:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install
If you need static binary version, you need to perform following cmake command:
cmake -E env CFLAGS="-pthread" cmake -DBUILD_STATIC=ON ..
You may need to disable windows security block
The JTAG features of this fujprog cannot be used concurrently with OpenOCD.
In order to use OpenOCD with the ULX3S, the libusbK
dirvers are needed. One way of manually changing the drivers is to use Zadig. The problem with using the libusbK
drivers is that this fujprog will no longer work, as it needs the FTDI drivers.
The ULX3S is using the FTDI drivers if it shows up in the Device Manager - Ports (COM & LPT)
Launch Zadig and click on Options - List all Devices
. Select the ULX3S device from the dropdown:
Press the Replace Driver button and after a few moments you should see a message that the drivers were installed successfully:
The driver change typically works immediately and no reboot is needed.
The FTDI drivers should already be installed. If so, Windows will automatically use these drivers when a new ULXS3 is plugged in. If the FTDI Drivers are not installed, they can be downloaded from (the setup executable noted in the comments column may be the easiest way to install the drivers).
The ULX3S is using the libusbK drivers if it shows up in Device Manager - libusbK USB Devices. (typically when using OpenOCD)
To remove the libusbK drivers, right click on your ULX3S device in Device Manager and select Uninstall Device
Then click the Uninstall button (don't check the box unless you want to actually uninstall the drivers from Windows and then reinstall the drivers later; we are only uninstalling the device):
After clicking the Uninstall button, Device Manager
may flicker a bit, but no message is typically shown. If the device was removed it will no longer be visible. If there are no other libusbK devices, then then entire libusbK USB Devices
container will also be gone.
To complete the process of installing the FDTI drivers: Unplug the ULX3S, wait 30 seconds and plug it back in. Windows should automatically use the FTDI drivers and a new COM port will appear in Device Manager - Ports (COM & LPT)
as shown above.
Most issues come from windows platform. In some cases fujprog doesn't work. Sometimes it is just a matter of dynamic linking (DLL file "ftd2xx.dll" or "ftd2xx64.dll", easiest is just to copy this file from FTDI D2XX CDM driver to the same directory where fujprog.exe is)
On VoIFS there is strange problem related with fujprog.exe compiled with mingw. fujprog.exe, if started from "wrong" directory doesn't work. When started from "wrong" directory, fujprog.exe will exit without printing any error or any other message while it should print help/usage message shown on top of this page. Possible cause of this problem is that "ftd2xx64.dll" (for win64) is found copied to System32 directory under name "ftd2xx.dll" (for win32).
Possible solution would be to remove all ftd2xx copies and copy fujprog.exe and dll to another directory and try again.
Here we have much better success, fujprog is statically linked and doesn't depend on any other file. Most issues come from user permissions so fujprog should be either run as root or the user should be given permissions to access USB and serial device, that's usually done easily with some udev rule:
# /etc/udev/rules.d/80-fpga-ulx3s.rules
# this is for usb-serial tty device
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6015", \
MODE="664", GROUP="dialout"
# this is for fujprog libusb access
ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6015", \
GROUP="dialout", MODE="666"
Make sure that FTDI driver is not loaded. For example:
sudo kextstat | grep -i ftdi
Should not return com.FTDI.driver.FTDIUSBSerialDriver when ulx3s is connected to USB port like this:
195 0 0xffffff7f85521000 0x7000 0x7000 com.FTDI.driver.FTDIUSBSerialDriver (2.4.4)
If does, try to run fujprog as root as it will try to automatically handle kexts. Also, you can temporarily remove them by running following commands:
/sbin/kextunload -bundle-id com.FTDI.driver.FTDIUSBSerialDriver
/sbin/kextunload -bundle-id
Feel free to report any problems. If you have problems running released binary try to compile your own version.
Fujprog is based on ujprog originally authored by Marko Zec. Contributions from EMARD, gojimmypi and kost.
Copyright (C), 2008-2018 Marko Zec, University of Zagreb
Copyright (c), 2014-2019 EMARD
Copyright (c), 2020 kost