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getMediaElement.js: A reusable library for all WebRTC applications! / Demo

<script src="//"></script>

This library generates HTML Audio/Video element with rich user-interface and advance media controls. It gives you full control over each control button; and its functionality!

// you can pass HTML Video Element
document.body.appendChild( getMediaElement(HTMLVideoElement) );

// you can pass HTML Audio Element
document.body.appendChild( getMediaElement(HTMLAudioElement) );

For audio-only element; you can pass "title":

document.body.appendChild( getMediaElement(HTMLAudioElement) );

document.body.appendChild( getMediaElement(HTMLAudioElement, {
    title: 'User Name',
    buttons: [] // use this line only if you want to hide audio-recorder button
}) );


A working example:

Audio Video Stream:

navigator.webkitGetUserMedia({ audio: true, video: true }, function (audioVideoStream) {
    var mediaElement = getMediaElement(audioVideoStream);
    // append to HTML-BODY element

    // you can acccess audio/video elements using "media" property;

If your media stream contains video tracks; then it will create HTMLVideoElement; otherwise; it will create HTMLAudioElement.


  1. You can capture onMuted event; and disable audio/video tracks accordingly; or hold streams using "inactive" attribute in the SDP!
  2. You can capture onUnMuted event; and enable audio/video tracks accordingly; or unhold streams using "sendrecv" attribute in the SDP!
  3. You can capture onRecordingStarted and use RecordRTC to record audio/video streams.
  4. You can capture onRecordingStopped and invoke stopRecording method of RecordRTC to stop audio/video recording. You can write recorded audio/video blobs to indexed-db using RecordRTC's newly introduced writeToDisk and getFromDisk methods.
  5. You can capture onZoomin to understand that video is NOW in full-screen mode.
  6. You can capture onZoomout to understand that video is NOW in normal mode.
  7. You can capture onTakeSnapshot which will be fired if someone tries to take snapshot.
  8. You can control buttons array to control which button should be displayed on media element.
  9. You can use toggle method to change buttons' state at runtime!
  10. You can manually pass "toggle" object to force default behaviour.
  11. You can use showOnMouseEnter to control whether buttons should be displayed on mouse enter.


Structure of getMediaElement.js
var mediaElement = getMediaElement(HTMLVideoElement || HTMLVideoElement || MediaStream, {
	// buttons you want to display
    buttons: ['mute-audio', 'mute-video', 'record-audio', 'record-video', 'full-screen', 'volume-slider', 'stop'],
	// to override default behaviour
	toggle: ['mute-audio', 'mute-video', 'record-audio', 'record-video'],
	// fired whe audio or video is muted
    onMuted: function (type) { },
	// fired whe audio or video is unmuted
    onUnMuted: function (type) { },
	// fired whe audio or video started recording
    onRecordingStarted: function (type) { },
	// fired whe audio or video stopped recording
    onRecordingStopped: function (type) { },
	// fired for full-screen mode
    onZoomin: function () { },
	// fired for leaving full-screen mode
    onZoomout: function () { },
	// fired when call is dropped; or user is ejected
    onStopped: function () { },
	// fired when take-snapshot button is clicked
    onTakeSnapshot: function (snapshot) { },
    width: 'media-element-width',
    height: 'media-element-height',
    showOnMouseEnter: true,
    volume: 100


getMediaElement objects takes two arguments:

  1. HTMLVideoElement or HTMLAudioElement or MediaStream
  2. Options

Second argument accepts following objects and events:

  1. buttons; which is an array, allows you control media buttons to be displayed.
  2. width; you can customize width of the media-container element by passing this object. Its default value is about "36%-of-screen".
  3. height; you can customize height of the media-container element by passing this object. Its default value is "auto".
  4. onMuted; which is fired if audio or video stream is muted. Remember, getMediaElement.js just mutes audio/video locally; you need to send websocket messages in onMuted event to remote party.
  5. onUnMuted; which is reverse of onMuted.
  6. onRecordingStarted; you can implement audio-recording options using RecordRTC!
  7. onRecordingStopped; RecordRTC supports stopRecording method as well!
  8. onZoomin; it is fired when media element is in full-screen mode.
  9. onZoomout; it is fired when user leaves full-screen mode either by presssing ESC key; or by clicking a button.
  10. onTakeSnapshot; it is fired when user clicks to take snapshot. Snapshot is passed over callback in PNG format.


Possible options for buttons array

  1. mute-audio
  2. mute-video
  3. record-audio
  4. record-video
  5. full-screen
  6. volume-slider
  7. stop


Possible options for toggle array

  1. mute-audio
  2. mute-video
  3. record-audio
  4. record-video


Difference between toggle array and toggle method

toggle method allows you toggle buttons at runtime:


However, toggle array is only be passed once as second argument:

var mediaElement = getMediaElement(MediaStream, {
	toggle: ['mute-audio', 'mute-video', 'record-audio', 'record-video']


toggle method

getMediaElement(firstArgument, secondArgument).toggle(options)

Using "toggle" method; you can customize media control buttons' state at runtime; e.g. Mute/UnMute or Zoom-in/Zoom-out etc.

var mediaElement = getMediaElement(HTMLVideoElement);

// anytime, later
mediaElement.toggle(['mute-audio', 'mute-video']);

"toggle" method accepts following values:

  1. mute-audio
  2. mute-video
  3. record-audio
  4. record-video
  5. stop

"stop" be used to auto-remove media element:


// or simply; as a string argument, instead of an array


How to acccess HTMLAudioElement or HTMLVideoElement?

There is a media property that returns HTMLAudioElement or HTMLVideoElement:

var mediaElement = getMediaElement(MediaStream, {
	toggle: ['mute-audio', 'mute-video', 'record-audio', 'record-video']

// Lets play the Video;

// Lets pause the Audio;

// Lets change width/height at runtime  =   'px'; =   'px';


getMediaElement and RTCMultiConnection.js
var videosContainer = document.body;

rtcMultiConnection.onstream = function(e) {
    var mediaElement = getMediaElement(e.mediaElement, {
        width: (videosContainer.clientWidth / 2) - 50,
        buttons: ['mute-audio', 'mute-video', 'record-audio', 'record-video', 'full-screen', 'volume-slider', 'stop', 'take-snapshot'],
        toggle: e.type == 'local' ? ['mute-audio'] : [],
        onMuted: function(type) {
                audio: type == 'audio',
                video: type == 'video'
        onUnMuted: function(type) {
                audio: type == 'audio',
                video: type == 'video'
        onRecordingStarted: function(type) {
                audio: type == 'audio',
                video: type == 'video'
        onRecordingStopped: function(type) {
            rtcMultiConnection.streams[e.streamid].stopRecording(function(blob) {
                if ( rtcMultiConnection.saveToDisk(;
                else if ( rtcMultiConnection.saveToDisk(;
                else rtcMultiConnection.saveToDisk(blob);
            }, type);
        onStopped: function() {
        onTakeSnapshot: function() {
            if (! return;

            rtcMultiConnection.takeSnapshot(e.userid, function(snapshot) {
                // on taking snapshot!

    videosContainer.insertBefore(mediaElement, videosContainer.firstChild);

rtcMultiConnection.onstreamended = function(e) {
    if (e.mediaElement.parentNode && e.mediaElement.parentNode.parentNode && e.mediaElement.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode) {



getMediaElement is released under MIT licence . Copyright (c) 2013 Muaz Khan.