pytest-aio -- Is a simple pytest plugin for testing any async python code
- Supports all most popular async python libraries: Asyncio, Trio and Curio
- Automatically run your async tests
- Works with contextvars correctly (supports it for async/sync fixtures)
- Supports trio-asyncio
- python >= 3.9
pytest-aio should be installed using pip:
pip install pytest-aio
optionally extras are available:
pip install pytest-aio[curio,trio]
When installed the plugin runs all your async test functions/fixtures.
async def test_async():
assert True
No need to mark your async tests. Just run pytest as is.
If you plan use async fixtures for sync tests, please ensure you have to include aiolib fixture:
# It's important to add aiolib fixture here
def test_with_async_fixtures(async_fixture, aiolib):
assert async_fixture == 'value from async fixture'
As an alternative, If you are doing the async fixtures yourself, you can add aiolib inside them:
async def async_fixture(aiolib):
return 'value from async fixture'
# So for the test we don't need to implicity use `aiolib` anymore
def test_with_async_fixtures(async_fixture):
assert async_fixture == 'value from async fixture'
By default each test function will be run with asyncio, trio, curio backends consistently (only if trio/curio are installed). But you can customise the libraries for all your tests creating the global fixture:
# Run all tests with Asyncio/Trio only
@pytest.fixture(params=['asyncio', 'trio'])
def aiolib(request):
assert request.param
If you want to specify different options for the selected backend, you can do so by passing a tuple of (backend name, options dict):
pytest.param(('asyncio', {'use_uvloop': False}), id='asyncio'),
pytest.param(('asyncio', {'use_uvloop': True}), id='asyncio uvloop'),
pytest.param(('trio', {'trio_asyncio': True}), id='trio asyncio'),
pytest.param(('curio', {'debug': True}), id='curio'),
def aiolib(request):
assert request.param
To set a specific backends for a single test only:
@pytest.mark.parametrize('aiolib', ['asyncio'])
async def only_with_asyncio():
await asyncio.sleep(1)
assert True
The plugin contains aiosleep fixture. It's an equivalent to asyncio.sleep, trio.sleep, curio.sleep for current running library.
If you have any suggestions, bug reports or annoyances please report them to the issue tracker at
Development of the project happens at:
Licensed under a MIT license.