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Keycloak X - Storage / Persistence layer

Goals of this document

This documents aims to address the following items:

  • Define a strategy for no-downtime storage upgrades
  • State the requirements imposed on the persistent part of the store
  • Provide design of layer that allows for simple yet performant implementations of custom stores

Non-Goals of this document

This documents aims to not address the following items:

  • Provide exact prescription of how the data are stored in the data store
  • Discuss design of caching or its impact on performance
  • Discuss pros and cons of individual storage technologies


In an ideal world, Keycloak cluster upgrade would be done seamlessly - no service disruption, new version rolled out without user noticing.

This can only be done if all relevant components support this. This document specifically discusses persistence aspect. Other aspects, e.g. caching or API compatibility, are left for other specifications.

There are several strategies of updates with respect to persistence possible. Those that do not work are listed below:

  • Stop the world. Stop old version; Update all the data; Start new version.

    This is the current state of Keycloak. It disrupts the service and thus is not an option.

  • Blue-green deployment. Two production-grade clusters with a router that redirects traffic to the updated one once update is done.

    This is problematic for Keycloak since it maintains state in the cluster. For example, code-to-token flow could be disrupted upon switching the traffic.

    The same concern applies to a variant of blue-green deployment where only a portion of traffic is directed to the updated cluster and the rest is directed to the old one, with the proportions being gradually changed towards the new cluster.

  • Keep the store schema unchanged. Update the nodes gradually to the new version.

    With the current database (as of Keycloak 11), this would work for most of the maintenance releases. However it would not work if there were new features that introduce more than cosmetic changes the database.

The last option is attractive though. Could the store structural changes, i.e. changes in the physical model, be kept minimal or none while allowing for changes in the logical model (e.g. adding a new attribute to a client)?

This proposal is about the following strategy:

  1. The store can read objects from the oldest ones to the current version
  2. The store can read objects from the version following the current one
  3. Objects are only updated when written to.
  4. Number of schema changes should be kept at absolute minimum
  5. Schema changes can be postponed and run at chosen time (even if that means running a degraded service)

The following text elaborates on the above strategy.


For convenience, definitions of various types of object representation and related notions from are repeated below.

  • Logical representation of an object is denoted as Model. This representation is used in the code above storage layer. Examples of models existing in the current codebase are ClientModel or RoleModel.

    Mapping of logical representation to the physical representation is done via Adapters.

  • Stateless representation, also called physical Java representation of an object is denoted as Entity. This representation contains all attributes necessary for serializing the object into the store. Note that this Java representation is not necessarily 1:1 representation of the stored object which is named as storage representation.

    An example of stateless representation is in MapClientEntityImpl.

    Example of a storage representation in the current code base is the JPA database representation, e.g. GroupEntity.



The store needs be able to handle tens of thousands of realms and hundreds of millions of users and clients, roles and groups.

The performance characteristics needs to be validated for each implementation individually since the characteristics will vary between the technologies (e.g. LDAP vs REST) as well as within a particular technology (e.g. Postgres vs MySQL, partitioning, different approach to structuring the data).

Version Compatibility (VC)

An entity schema version is a version of storage representation of some object, e.g. a realm or a role. Any change in the model interfaces (e.g. adding getters/setters) might propagate into change in the storage representation, which would change entity schema version of that type of objects. In contrast, adding a method to model that operates on existing fields does not change entity schema version.

For example, this change in RoleModel added attributes to the roles and thus means update to the entity schema version. On the other hand, this change in RoleModel did operates on data already available in the model, thus the entity schema version of RoleModel remains unchanged.

For each of the entities (realm, user, client etc.), the current store version is the entity schema version that the store uses for writing objects.

Conditions for the readability of an object stored by store of version N are as follows:

  1. Backward compatibility. Object stored by store of version N MUST be readable by any newer store, i.e. store of version M where M ≥ N

  2. Forward compatibility. Object stored by store of version N MUST be readable by a previous store, i.e. store of version N-1. This is to support seamless upgrade in a manner where nodes of version N-1 in the cluster are gradually replaced by newer version. It also provides means to revert to the previous version if anything goes wrong.

  3. Extended forward compatibility (optional). Object stored by store of version N MAY be readable by much older store, i.e. store of version M where M ≤ N-2, but the store MUST throw an IllegalArgumentException if the object cannot be reliably reconstructed from the stored data.

The following matrix illustrates the above conditions. It shows whether an object stored in version X in a store of version Y is readable (green) or unreadable (red):

Matrix shows whether a stored object in format X is readable (green) or unreadable (red) by store of version Y

For the sake of simplicity, object versions are treated as a sequence of integers thorough this text. See below for other options.

Versions of individual stores in the same server version are unrelated. For example, in Keycloak of version 1.2.3, versions can be 53 for user objects, 41 for clients, and 14 for realms. Versioning of Keycloak and the logical objects is independent, so it is possible that the Keycloak version 1.2.4 may have the same object versions as in 1.2.3, that one of them has changed, or all have changed.

Note on testability: It must be possible to automatically test that a store implementation satisfies all the requirements stated in this section. For this purpose, there is a project in keycloak-playground repository that captures all the requirements and provides a harness to implement a proposal for a 0-downtime storage implementation.

Custom implementation requirements (CIR)

The requirements coming from the need to easily provide custom implementations are vague by nature but useful to state them here.

  1. Store interfaces must be simple enough to provide fast custom implementations.
  2. Store interfaces must be generic enough to fit any storage technology.
  3. Store interfaces must operate on logical level.


Actual storage can be based on various technologies. For example, the storage can use a file system, relational database, LDAP, in-memory streaming database, or a REST service. For this reason, it is important to keep the storage interface on the level of logical objects (i.e. models) and detached from the physical implementation.

It is obvious that no-downtime requirement and performance are mutually outbalancing each other. Hence it should be stated that:

  • No-downtime constraints must be satisfied
  • Performance needs to be good-enough. This means that:
    • Object lookup by an object identifier must succeed in logarithmic time (w.r.t. total number of objects) at worst
    • Lookup by searchable attribute should be bound by logarithmic time (w.r.t. total number of objects)
    • There must be no or only short windows when stop-the-world updates happen and timing of all of these must be controlled by Keycloak administrator

Transaction Processing

In Keycloak, many places are under transaction control, e.g. cache updates or database operations. The transaction is controlled by a transaction manager owned by a KeycloakSession object.

In case of request processing, KeycloakSession lifespan is that of processing the request, and the same lifespan is of the transaction manager and every provider instantiated in this session.

A storage is implemented as a provider and has to implement the transaction management according to the technology it uses under the cover. For example, it may delegate to JTA or delegate to a remote transaction supported by the storage.

Object Providers

There are several object types as explained in, e.g. realms, clients.

For each object type, there will be a corresponding SPI (e.g. ClientSpi), and a provider (e.g. ClientProvider) in this SPI implements operations on this type of objects.

Methods in the provider refer to other objects as either Model instances or String identifiers. In this logical view, an object identifier is always a String; if desirable, the key may be potentially translated to a binary key by the storage implementation. The String representation was chosen primarily because the IDs of objects are mainly used in URLs of endpoints and JSON payloads, and both are texts. To improve readability of URLs, IDs may be even human-readable.

All the operations invoked on an instance of an object provider are performed within the transaction that belongs to the KeycloakSession which created this object provider. If needed, handling of a transaction in the storage backend can be done via a custom KeycloakTransaction in the provider.

Logical to Storage via Stateless Representation: There and Back Again

To cover CIR requirements, it should be possible to implement an object provider in the terms of CRUD (Create-Read-Update-Delete) operations on individual objects, rather than implementing all the methods of a particular object provider. In the current codebase, map providers are such providers. To implement a particular technology, only these CRUD operations need to be implemented. No-downtime upgrade feature can also be implemented just on CRUD, i.e. significantly smaller number of the methods as compared to case when implementing the same in all the methods of an object provider.

The ease of support of a new technology may be penalized by suboptimal performance. To cover these cases, implementing an object provider fully is still possible.

For a primary key type String, and model ModelType type, a StorageProvider interface is introduced that provides basic CRUD operations on individual objects, and an operation for reading objects that satisfy the given criteria.

interface StorageProvider<ModelType extends HasId<String>> {
     * Creates an object in the store. Introduces new ID.
     * @param object
     * @return ID of the object
    String create(ModelType object);

     * Returns object with the given {@code id} from the storage or {@code null} if object does not exist.
     * @param id
     * @return See description
    ModelType read(String id);

     * Returns criteria builder for the storage engine.
     * The criteria are specified in the given criteria builder based on model properties.
     * <br>
     * <b>Note:</b> While the criteria are formulated in terms of model properties,
     * the storage engine may in turn process them into the best form that suits the
     * underlying storage engine query language, e.g. to conditions on storage
     * attributes or REST query parameters.
     * If possible, do <i>not</i> delay filtering after the models are reconstructed from
     * storage entities, in most cases this would be highly inefficient.
     * @return See description
    ModelCriteriaBuilder getCriteriaBuilder();

     * Returns stream of objects satisfying given {@code criteria} from the storage.
     * The criteria are specified in the given criteria builder based on model properties.
     * @param criteria
     * @return Stream of objects. Never returns {@code null}.
    Stream<ModelType> read(ModelCriteriaBuilder criteria);

     * Updates an object with the given {@code id} to the storage if it already exists.
     * @param id
     * @throws NullPointerException if object or its {@code id} is {@code null}
    void update(ModelType object);

     * Deletes object with the given {@code id} from the storage, if exists, no-op otherwise.
     * @param id
    void delete(String id);

The ModelCriteriaBuilder is an interface that captures criteria restricting the results of a search. This object relates to the performance requirement since it enables bulk operations on top of plain single-object CRUD.

The criteria are imposed on properties of the model and are translated to the query by the storage implementation.

For example, in JPA the ModelCriteriaBuilder would translate to SQL WHERE clause, in LDAP to a LDAP filter, while when filtering a Java Stream, it would translate to a Predicate. If the given combination of predicated is not valid for a particular storage, the ModelCriteriaBuilder should throw an IllegalArgumentException.

The object models will be accompanied with String constants that denote the fields that can be searched by. This is to prevent typos and also to make it possible for storage developers to adjust the implementation to e.g. create indices for the fields in the store that correspond to the named fields in the model.

ModelCriteriaBuilder allows creating a filter on data by building predicates on fields and Boolean combinations of the predicates.

public interface ModelCriteriaBuilder {

     * The operators are very basic ones for this use case. In the real scenario,
     * new operators can be added, possibly with different arity, e.g. {@code IN}.
     * The {@link ModelCriteriaBuilder#compare} method would need an adjustment
     * then, likely to taky vararg {@code value} instead of single value as it
     * is now.
    public enum Operator {
        EQ, NE, LT, LE, GT, GE, LIKE, ILIKE

     * Adds a constraint for the given model field to this criteria builder
     * and returns a criteria builder that is combined with the the new constraint.
     * The resulting constraint is a logical conjunction (i.e. AND) of the original
     * constraint present in this {@link ModelCriteriaBuilder} and the given operator.
     * @param modelField Field on the logical <i>model</i> to be constrained
     * @param op Operator
     * @param value Operand to the operator.
     * @return
    ModelCriteriaBuilder compare(String modelField, Operator op, Object value);

     * Creates and returns a new instance of {@code ModelCriteriaBuilder} that
     * combines the given builders with the Boolean AND operator.
     * <p>
     * Predicate coming out of {@code and} on an empty array of {@code builders}
     * (i.e. empty conjunction) is always {@code true}.
     * <pre>
     *   cb = storage.getCriteriaBuilder();
     *     cb.and(, EQ, 1),, EQ, 2)),
     *     cb.and(, EQ, 3),, EQ, 4))
     *   );
     * </pre>
    ModelCriteriaBuilder and(ModelCriteriaBuilder... builders);

     * Creates and returns a new instance of {@code ModelCriteriaBuilder} that
     * combines the given builders with the Boolean OR operator.
     * <p>
     * Predicate coming out of {@code and} on an empty array of {@code builders}
     * (i.e. empty disjunction) is always {@code false}.
     * <pre>
     *   cb = storage.getCriteriaBuilder();
     *, EQ, 1).compare(FIELD2, EQ, 2),
     *, EQ, 3).compare(FIELD2, EQ, 4)
     *   );
     * </pre>
    ModelCriteriaBuilder or(ModelCriteriaBuilder... builders);

     * Creates and returns a new instance of {@code ModelCriteriaBuilder} that
     * negates the given builder.
     * <p>
     * Note that if the {@code builder} has no condition yet, there is nothing
     * to negate: empty negation is always {@code true}.
     * @param builder
     * @return
    ModelCriteriaBuilder not(ModelCriteriaBuilder builder);

Other Versioning Options

The versions in the VC requirements are treated as sequences of integers.

This is insufficient in case of long-term support releases where patches are issued between micro releases, but 0-downtime upgrade between minor releases is still a requirement.

Note though that the versions in the VC requirements can be implemented by any ordered sequence. For long-term support (LTS) releases, this can be a pair (minor, micro), where the VC condition 1 and 3 would be defined on the whole pair, and the VC condition 2 would be defined on the minor component.

To address maintainability, it is possible to impose further conditions for LTS version. For example, borrowing versioning from RHSSO, it may be valid to impose a condition that objects written in version 7.4.0 are readable by store from 7.3.z but objects from further 7.4.z versions (z ≥ 1) may be not. Specifically, it means that updating from e.g. 7.3.4 to 7.4.2 is only possible in two separate steps: 7.3.4 → 7.4.0 and 7.4.0 → 7.4.2.


Upgrade of a single Keycloak server in cluster should have no impact on the service availability. That is achieved by ensuring that two adjacent versions of Keycloak can be run alongside each other in the same cluster and share the same stores. How this is done depends on the storage implementation. One of the (inefficient) ways to achieve that is to ensure that every store version N 1 writes two object versions - one for version N and other N 1. There are other ways possible to achieve the same, basically they count on redundancy.

Physical Schema Upgrades

Some of the changes need updates of the physical storage schema. For example, in case of adding a single searchable field, this field should be somehow indexed, and in case of relational databases, that may require adding a column and an index. Adding an index may in turn lock the table and slow down the whole system.

Such changes would be disruptive even in case of satisfying all the VC conditions. Hence a mechanism for postponing such disruptive operations to appropriate time chosen by administrators needs to be implemented.

It would be useful to implement this as a generic framework for running and watching progress of background tasks. Schema upgrade would be a perfect candidate for this type of tasks. Design of this is framework left to a follow-up specification.

Sample Scenarios

To show feasibility of the above design, several scenarios are provided. For illustratory purposes, relational database is used in the following examples. Note that the actual implementation might and will vary due to underlying storage technology and design of the store.

For all of these scenarios, it is assumed that Keycloak runs in a cluster of three nodes and Keycloak has storage in version N, and is upgraded to a higher version with storage of version N 1, and later N 2.

Adding non-searchable attributes in the model

  1. Upgrade cluster in one-by-one node manner.
  2. Skipped if the attribute is stored in a blob. Upon first node startup, add immediately a new attribute.
  3. Objects are updated lazily on write.

Adding a searchable attribute

To allow search by an attribute, it might be necessary to build an index. That may be time-consuming and cause service degradation.

  1. Do the same as above. Report that attribute still cannot be searched by (i.e. degraded service) to the administrator
  2. Add a task to create an index runnable by the administrator manually
  3. After task from 2 completes, update objects one by one in background. Search is now possible but may return only partial results.
  4. After task from 3, remove the warning of the degraded service from 1.

Removing a searchable attribute

Remove a searchable attribute would be done in two phases:

  1. Remove capability to search for this attribute in version N 1.

    1. Gradually update the cluster from version N to version N 1.
  2. Remove the physical representation (e.g. drop column / index) in version N 2.

    1. Update the cluster from version N 1 to version N 2.

Replace one concept by another

If there is a need to replace one concept (e.g. client templates) with another (client scopes), this needs to be done in a backward compatible way. Most like this means redundance that needs to exist for some time. Similarly to previous case, this would be done in two phases:

  1. Preparation: Gradually update the cluster from version N to version N 1. Version N 1 would write objects so that beside client template it would also write relevant client scope.

  2. Replacement: Gradually update the cluster to version N 2 where client templates would not be written into the objects anymore.

It may happen that some of the changes would induce change in issued tokens. This means that every such a token (e.g. refresh token) has to bear version with itself and also follow similar backward compatibility rules as presented in this document.