In this repositoy, I will make some notes on the introductory from NLP to Bert.
- Introduction to NLP
- Tradition NLP (WordNet / one-hot encoding)
- lexical analysis
- Syntactic analysis
- Semantic analysis
- Basic NLP
- tf-idf
- bag-of-word (BoW)
- n-gram language model
- limitation of BoW and n-gram language model
- Deep NLP
- Word2Vec
- Sequence-to-sequence
- Attention Model
- Transformer (self-attention)
- Transformer is a seq-to-seq model with self-attention layer
- 用來改良 RNN 不容易平行化的缺點
- 基本上原本用 RNN 的架構,都可以換成 self-attention 的 layer 來取代
- 在 self-attention 的原本機制中,沒有位置 (position) 的資訊
- 引入 positional encoding 機制:每一個 input vector 都會 append 上一個位置資訊的 vector,接著做 self-attention
- Bert
- Bert introduction
- Encoder of transformer
- 訓練 Bert 的方法
- Approach 1:Masked LM
- Approach 2:Next sentence prediction
- Bert on our work
- Bert introduction
- Conclusion
- 從自然語言處理到文字探勘:Comprehensive introduction from NLP to text mining.
- CS224n: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning
- The probability of a sentence? Recurrent Neural Networks and Language Models:Introduction from n-gram language model to RNN
- Machine Translation, Sequence-to-sequence and Attention
- Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space:The original paper about Word2Vec proposed by Tomas Mikolov.
- Seq2seq pay Attention to Self Attention
- 矢量語義——從TF-IDF到Word2Vec你所需要知道的一切:Nice illustration about Word2Vec
- The Illustrated BERT, ELMo, and co. (How NLP Cracked Transfer Learning)
- Transformer by 李宏毅