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Flatiron Hotdog Builder

Welcome to Flatiron Hotdog Builder, a web application which enables people to create hotdogs! This app will allow you to accomplish the following things:

  • As a user, you can: sign in with your current name or create a new user account delete your user account view all, create and delete hotdogs

Getting Started ## ≈

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


What things you need to install the software

Ruby language Ruby gem packaging system SQLite3 or other SQL database engine


  • Fork and clone the current repository

  • From there, run bundle install in order to have access to all the gems in this project:

bundle install
  • From here, start up the rails server by entering "rails s" in your terminal:
rails s

Built with

  • The frontend was built in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The backend was built on Ruby on Rails (ruby-2.6.1) with a SQLite3 database.

  • At the moment there is no test suite for this project.