Tags: kasra-hosseini/obspyDMT
Version 1.0.1b1: - --fdsn_base_url can now be set for several urls, e.g. --fdsn_base_url "IRIS,ORFEUS" or it can be set to --fdsn_base_url all for which all the urls will be used. - ArcLink master directory path is now corrected again. Everything seems to work without any problem in using both FDSN and ArcLink. - --seismicity option is replaced by --plot_seismicity - --event_url does not exist anymore to make the code more user-friendly. Instead, the user should only selects --event_catalog and the rest is done internally - in case that no waveforms are requested, the SAC option is diabled to avoid unnecessary warnings - Added a function to print all available FDSN web-service providers. Example: obspyDMT --fdsn_urls