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Linux build

MacOS build


ranger-like terminal file manager written in Rust.

Alt text


  • cargo >= 1.67
  • rustc >= 1.67
  • xsel/xclip/wl-clipboard (optional, for clipboard support)
  • fzf (optional)
  • zoxide (optional)

Also see Cargo.toml


~$ cargo build


For single user

~$ cargo install --path=. --force

For single user with cargo

~$ cargo install --git --force

System wide

~# cargo install --path=. --force --root=/usr/local     # /usr also works

From pre-compiled binary


  • curl
  • openssl
Latest release

Installs the latest version using the default installation path ($HOME/.local/bin/).

~$ bash <(curl -s
Custom Installation path

Allows you to install Joshuto to a custom directory by setting the INSTALL_PREFIX variable.

~$ INSTALL_PREFIX="$HOME" bash <(curl -s
System wide
~# INSTALL_PREFIX="/usr/local/bin" bash <(curl -s
Specific release

Installs a specific release version of Joshuto by the desired version number.

~$ RELEASE_VER='v0.9.4' bash <(curl -s

Packaging status

Fedora (COPR)
sudo dnf copr enable atim/joshuto -y
sudo dnf install joshuto
Arch (AUR)
[yay/paru] -S joshuto
[yay/paru] -S joshuto-git
[yay/paru] -S joshuto
[yay/paru] -S joshuto-git
Gentoo (gentoo-zh)
sudo eselect repository enable gentoo-zh
sudo emerge -av app-misc/joshuto

Here's an example of using it in a nixos configuration

  description = "My configuration";

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
    joshuto.url = "github:kamiyaa/joshuto";

  outputs = { nixpkgs, joshuto, ... }:
      nixosConfigurations = {
        hostname = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem
            system = "x86_64-linux";
            modules = [
                nixpkgs.overlays = [ joshuto.overlays.default ];
                environment.systemPackages = with pkgs;[

Temporary run, not installed on the system

nix run github:kamiyaa/joshuto
MacOS (MacPorts)
sudo port install joshuto
MacOS/Linux Homebrew
brew install joshuto


~ $ joshuto


  • Move up: arrow_up or k
  • Move down: arrow_down or j
  • Move to parent directory: arrow_left or h
  • Open file or directory: arrow_right or l
  • Go to the top: home or g g
  • Go to the bottom: end or G
  • Page up: page_up or ctrl u
  • Page down: page_down or ctrl d

Tab Management

  • Open a new tab: ctrl t
  • Open a new tab with current directory: T
  • Close the current tab: W or ctrl w
  • Switch to next tab: \t
  • Switch to previous tab: backtab

File Operations

  • Rename file: a to append or A to prepend
  • Delete file: delete or d d
  • Cut file: d d
  • Copy file: y y
  • Paste file: p p
  • Paste file with overwrite: p o
  • Symlink files: p l for absolute path, p L for relative path


  • Toggle hidden files: z h
  • Reload directory list: R
  • Change directory: c d
  • Show tasks: w
  • Set mode: =
  • Enter command mode: :

See docs#quit for exiting into current directory and other usages


Check out docs for details and config for examples

  • general configurations
  • for keybindings
  • for opening files with applications
  • color customizations
  • bookmarks


See docs

Bugs/Feature Request

Please create an issue :)


  • Tabs
  • Devicons
  • Fuzzy search via fzf
  • Ctrl/Shift/Alt support
  • Bulk rename
  • File previews
  • Exit to current directory
  • Asynch File IO (cut/copy/paste)
  • Custom colors/theme
  • Line numbers
    • Jump to number
  • File chooser
  • Trash support


  • Built-in command line
    • Mostly working
    • Currently implementation is kind of janky
    • Tab autocomplete (in progress)