I"m Juri! A passionate software developer & content creator. I love to talk to people, share ideas and learn in public. If that sounds interesting, here are some places where you can find me 😃
- 🌍 Website: https://juri.dev
- 🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/juristr
- 📹 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/juristrumpflohner
- 📺 Twitch: https://twitch.tv/juridev
- 🥚 Egghead: https://egghead.io/q/resources-by-juri-strumpflohner
- 👉 Google Developers Expert
Currently I"m working as the Sr. Director of Developer Experience for Nx helping teach people about Nx and monorepos. Hence a lot of my content can also be found on our Nx Twitter account and on the Nx Youtube Channel.
Wanna chat or have me on your show? I"d love to!! Ping me on my Twitter. My DMs are open 😃