This code is in development and has not been fully tested. Please use with caution.
- data.csv - this is the datafile containing the rows of data for each task
- templates/interface.html - this is the interface for the HIT
- database.db - This file will be created once you run the script with the correct number of tasks (see below).
- First, should be run first to create the database and tables. You must first update the COMPLETIONS_PER_TASK variable to the number of completions you want per task. This is the number of times each task will be completed by a worker. The default is 3.
- Ensure all required files (see above) have been added for the new task.
- Update's MAX_TIME variable to the maximum time you want the task to run for. The default is 60 minutes (3600 seconds).
- Update your interface.html file as required (see "Task Interface Changes" below).
- When ready, you will need to deploy the flask app to a server.
We must add a submit button that will collate the worker entered data and send it as JSON POST request to the server running the flask app. This will require a new JS function to be added to the HTML file. Make sure to include the task_id, prolific_pid, and session_id in the JSON data. Example:
var task_id = document.getElementById("task_id").innerHTML; var prolific_pid = document.getElementById("prolific_pid").value; var session_id = document.getElementById("session_id").value;
We must also add a hidden field that will contain the task id. This can then be used to identify the task in the database for analysis. Example:
<p hidden class="hidden">This is HiT: </p><p hidden class="hidden" id="task_id">${task_id}</p>
Note: this is not required for SessionID or ProlificID - as the preprocess function will add these to the data. -
Optional: Depending on your task, you may wish to include an alert for warning the worker when they have run out of time.
function startFailedCountdown() {
var minutes = 60; //var minutes = 60;
var seconds = 0;
var totalSeconds = minutes * 60 seconds;
var interval = setInterval(function() {
if (seconds < 0) {
seconds = 59;
if (minutes < 0) {
// Disable the submit button
document.getElementById("submit-button").disabled = true;
document.getElementById("submit-button").innerHTML = "You cannot submit this HIT anymore.";
alert("The allocated time for this task has passed. Your answers will not be used and you will not be paid.");
// Redirect the worker to the Prolific app:
window.location.href = "";
}, 1000);
You could also repeat this code to alert the worker when they have 10 minutes left, etc.