A rtsp client write in python
Usage: rtsp-client.py [options] url
In running, you can control play by input "forward","backward","begin","live","pause"
or "play" with "range" and "scale" parameter, such as "play range:npt=beginning- scale:2"
You can input "exit","teardown" or ctrl c to quit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Set transport type when SETUP: tcp, udp, tcp_over_rtp,
-d DEST_IP, --dest_ip=DEST_IP
Set dest ip of udp data transmission, default use same
ip with rtsp
-p CLIENT_PORT, --client_port=CLIENT_PORT
Set client port range of udp, default is "10014-10015"
-n NAT, --nat=NAT Add "x-NAT" when DESCRIBE, arg format
-r, --arq Add "x-zmssRtxSdp:yes" when DESCRIBE
-f, --fec Add "x-zmssFecCDN:yes" when DESCRIBE