The current version has been moved to the js-joda mono repository, see
Implementation of the js-joda ZoneRulesProvider, providing the bindings to the iana tzdb, using latest zone file generated by moment-timezone
Install joda using npm
npm install js-joda
npm install js-joda-timezone
var jsJoda = require("js-joda")
var { LocalDateTime, ZoneId, ZonedDateTime } = jsJoda;
.toString() // 2016-06-30T11:30+02:00[Europe/Berlin]
.toString() // 2016-06-30T05:30-04:00[America/New_York]
.toString() // 2016-06-30T11:30-04:00[America/New_York]
import { ZonedDateTime, ZoneId } from "js-joda"
import "js-joda-timezone"
const zdt ="America/New_York"))
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
// copy all js-joda classes to the global scope
for(let key in JSJoda) { this[key] = JSJoda[key]; }
.toString() // 2016-06-30T11:30+02:00[Europe/Berlin]
.toString() // 2016-06-30T05:30-04:00[America/New_York]
.toString() // 2016-06-30T11:30-04:00[America/New_York]
If you don"t need all the historical data that js-joda-timezone provides, you can instead use one of the reduced files ize builds:
covers +- five years from the current version"s releasejs-joda-timezone-1970-2030.js
covers from 1970 to 2030js-joda-timezone-2012-2022.js
covers from 2012 to 2022
To use one of these, just change your import path to the following format:
import "js-joda-timezone/dist/js-joda-timezone-1970-2030"
- This ZoneRulesProvider implemantion supplies all functionality that is required by the js-joda package.
- Additional ZoneRules functionality like transitions(), etc. is not implemented.
js-joda-timezone is released under the BSD 3-clause license:
The author of joda time and the lead architect of the JSR-310 is Stephen Colebourne.
The json versions of the iana tzdb are imported from and generated with moment-timezone.