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Steps for training and testing and running on the challenge set

  1. Get track background data from spotify, create necessary pkls
    1. for the whole dataset for challenge run: python
  2. Create splits:
    1. BG750
    2. train
    3. test
    4. challenge(provided)
    5. telescoping
  3. Generate pkl where necessary-> pkl for trackfeatures and details; pid track mapping; splits pkls; most popular tracks
  4. clean the titles, *provide stop list *provide synonyms list, bigrams
  5. create background index documents, script to generate docs; config file to create indexes. 3 indexes -> Meta1, Meta2 and PRFQE
    1. run python
  6. create queries for these indexes for train, test and challenge
  7. script to generate results for the queries
  8. script to parse these results 2 different formats(BM25 vs QE)
  9. script to generate various metapaths and w2v models on BG 750 playlists;4 CBOW models ->a)just playlists, b)playlists and titles interspersed, c)AILA, d)ILI
  10. for each query playlist in splits, get 1000 items for the plalyist representation; batch generate and save
  11. main track: generate training data [PRFQE BM25-1 BM25-2 -> 2000 items] trackfeatures playlist features track-playlistfeatures w2v features
  12. main track: generate test data(and challenge data)
  13. param sweep script to find right lambda mart model [train, test and evaluate]
  14. creative track: generate training data [PRFQE BM25-1 BM25-2 -> 2000 items] trackfeatures playlist features track-playlistfeatures w2v features track features from spotify api --> -missingzero
  15. run built model on challenge data
  16. prepare submission(popular items when playlist size <500)


Scripts/ code for Recsys Challenge 2018







No releases published




  • Jupyter Notebook 96.2%
  • Python 3.8%