- 🌱 I’m currently learning a painting technique following tutorials by Bob Ross because as a Blender Artist I need to improve my art
- 🎓 I have learned how to programm in C,C#,Java,Python,VB,GCODE and I'm able to create web services using HTML5,CSS3,JS,PHP,JSP/servlet
- 💾 I know how to install, use and mantain these operating systems: Debian/Ubuntu, Fedora, OpenBSD, Arch, MS-DOS, Windows from 95 to 11, OS X Catalina (hackintosh).
- 📐 My favourite softwares are LibreOffice that I used to write my own tech magazine, GIMP in my opinion better than Photoshop, Inkscape and Blender.
- 📬 To reach me: dntpanic[at]users[dot]sourceforge[dot]net or you can follow me on instagram at loberry96 where you can find my 3D art, and on youtube @loberry. Give a look to my software on sourceforge.
You can read my articles on medium and support me through BuyMeACoffee.