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Generation of mesh primitives and constructive solid geometry operations


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The repository is a collection of Lua libraries for creating triangle meshes from scratch and for constructing more complex objects from geometric primitives.

The intended use is for constructing low-polygon 3D meshes that can then be dynamically adapted during runtime. It works well with Lua's interpreted nature, and enables iterative 3D modeling in live-coding fashion.

Library is designed to be used within LĂ–VR framework. With simple substitution of vector and mesh data structures the code could be used elsewhere. Libraries have no inter-dependencies so they can be used separately.


showcase of solids

The module can be used to create some geometric primitives from scratch, and to preform operations on vertices and indices.

solids = require('solids')
cube_solid = solids.cube()

function lovr.draw(pass)
  cube_solid:draw(pass, -1, 1, -2)
  cube_solid:draw(pass, mat4(1, 1, -2,  math.pi / 4, 0, 1, 0))

The advantage over LĂ–VR built-in primitives is ability to manipulate the mesh before rendering. The disadvantage is that UV maps are not computed, so textures and surface shader effects won't work with them.

The solid primitive stores the geometry information in a table:

  vlist = { {0,0,0,_}, {1,2,3,_}, _} -- list of vertices storing data (positions, normals, colors...)
  ilist = {1, 2, 3, _},              -- flat list of indices; triplets that from the triangles
  sides = {top = {1, 2, 3, _}, _}    -- shape sides mapped to the list of indices
  vbuffer = Buffer(),                -- vertex buffer object for rendering, regenerated as needed
  ibuffer = Buffer(),                -- index buffer object for rendering, regenerated as needed
} -- with metatable accessors to manipulating functions

Vertices are stored in nested table vlist. Single vertex is a table with 3 or more values. First three values are XYZ coordinates; they can be followed by 3 numerical components of a normal vector, and even more vertex data after that.

Indices in flat ilist table are used to construct all the triangles of geometry. Each number is a 1-based index into the vertex table.

Such primitive can be constructed by calling any of geometry constructors. Currently included primitive solids are:

  • quad(subdivisions) a 2D rectangle, with optional subdivision into grid
  • cube() a simple cube with 6 sides
  • tcube(slant) a truncated cube (rhombicuboctahedron) with variable slant cutoff
  • bipyramid(segments) a bipyramid with variable number of sides (a diamond shape)
  • pyramid(segments) a pyramid with variable number of sides
  • cylinder(segments) a prism with variable number of sides
  • sphere(subdivisions) an icosphere with customizable subdivision steps
  • octasphere(subdivisions) a versatile sphere-cube geometry

While creating the geometry, most of above functions group the vertices into sides. Indices for different sides are stored under sides map inside the solid object. For example, a cylinder has bottom and top side. Such table can be used to selectively manipulate only some parts of the mesh.

Note that vertices of adjacent faces are not shared. This allows colocated vertices to have different normals, for example the cube has hard edges when rendered with appropriate shader. Even for cylinder, the curved surface subdivided into segments has separate non-smoothed normal for each segment. This is in line with low-polygon aesthetics which is the intended use of this library.


While the rest of primitives are mostly straight-forward, the octasphere deserves a detailed description. It is a geometric primitive constructed by slicing a sphere into 8 separate octants, and then stitching them together with quads. By extruding and manipulating quad lengths it is possible to coerce the octasphere into different shapes:

  • sphere: edges xyz = 0
  • box: radii xyz = 0
  • circle: radius y = 0, edges xyz = 0
  • plane: radii xyz = 0, edge y = 0
  • cylinder: radius y = 0, edges xz = 0
  • rounded cuboid: radii x = y = z set to small value
  • capsule: radii x = y = z, edges xz = 0

At zero-subdivision level it is also possible to create octagonal and hexagonal prisms.

A created octasphere has edge length of 2 and radius of 1; can be resized afterwards by calling a reshape(rx, ry, rz, ex, ey, ez) method on it. First three arguments set the radii across three dimensions, last three arguments set the edge lengths.

octa2 = solids.octasphere(2)
cylinder = octa2:reshape(1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0)
capsule  = octa2:reshape(1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0)

Note: unlike other implemented solid primitives, octasphere's adjacent faces do share the same vertices.

Converting meshes to solid object

Besides creating a primitive solid from scratch, it is also possible to initialize a solid object from data in other formats. They are also useful as intermediate step for using CSG module (described below).

Initialize a blank object containing no vertices or indices.

solids.fromVertices(vertices, indices)

Construct a solid representation from nested list of vertices and list of indices. If indices are not provided the vertices are assumed to be in sequential order.


Use LOVR's internal model structure (which can be loaded from a file) to initialize the solid. This is a lossy operation as only the triangle geometry will be preserved. In particular the original normals would not be preserved and they are replaced by computed normals.


Convert the CSG geometry (see below) to solids geometry. This function can be used after all the CSG operations are completed, to render the result or to convert it to other formats.


Build up a convex hull from a list of vec3 points. This will generate a convex mesh which volume includes all the input points. The points falling inside the hull are discarded, and points on the hull are joined in outward-facing triangles. Input list point_could is left unmodified.

point_cloud = {}
for i = 1, 100 do
  point_cloud[i] = vec3(lovr.math.random(), lovr.math.random(), lovr.math.random())
convex_hull = solids.convexHull(point_cloud)

Operators on solid shapes

All the operations are immutable; they preserve the originals while creating and returning the new solid objects. The only exception is updateNormals() which modifies the solid it is called upon.

solid:transform(transform, side_filter)

Used to displace, rotate or scale mesh vertices by applying Mat4 parameter to each. If side_filter table is specified, only vertices with indices listed in this table will be affected.

cube_solid = solids.cube()
cube_solid = cube_solid:transform(mat4(0,0,0,  2,2,2)) -- double the cube size
cube_solid = cube_solid:transform(mat4(0,0,0,  0.5, 1, 0.5), -- shrink the top side

solid:map(fn, side_filter)

Iterates over all vertices to process them; calls the passed callback function that can modify the vertex information.

quad_solid = solids.quad(6)  -- subdivided plane with 6x6 squares
  function(x, y, z) 
    z = (lovr.math.noise(x, y) - 0.5) * 2
    return x, y, z


Creates a new mesh with 4x times more geometry than original mesh, while preserving the shape. Each triangle is subdivided into four triangles. The generated triangles don't share any vertices between them. This operation can be used before the mesh is further processed by map function, to increase the fidelity of result.

mesh = solids.bipyramid(3)     -- 18 vertices
mesh = solids.subdivide(mesh)  -- 72 vertices


Combine triangles from two or more solids into a merged solid. By flattening large amount of geometry into a single mesh it is possible to eliminate draw calls and thus improve performance. Note that all the geometry from individual shapes is preserved, even the insides of intersecting shapes. See also the union operator from CSG module, described below.

-- merge two or more solids
merged = solidA:merge(solidB)
-- merge together a list of solids
merged = solids.merge(, unpack(solids_list))


Function calculates normal vectors for each triangle and stores them into vertex data. This is often needed inside shaders for surface lighting and other effects.

First a normal of each triangle is determined and added to each affected vertex, after that each vertex averages all the normal vectors it has acquired in the first pass, to smooth them out. This is relevant only for meshes imported from models and for octasphere; all other solid primitives are built with triangles that don't reuse any vertices.

This operation is best done after all vertex manipulations are done. It is automatically called as needed inside the solid:draw() function. Modifies the input solid in-place.


Creates a solid in which triangles have the flipped vertex order (opposite winding). This reverses the face normals.

solid:draw(pass, ...)

Used to render the solid mesh inside the pass. Optional transform arguments can be supplied as mat4 object or as set of numerical values; any other arguments supported by Pass:mesh() can also be used (start, count, instances).

The function automatically computes normals and constructs the vertex and index buffers needed for rendering the mesh.

sphere = solids.sphere(2) -- be careful with subdivisions > 4 as geometry count explodes

function lovr.draw(pass)
  sphere:draw(pass, 0, 2, -2)  -- draw at 0, 2, -2 coordinates


Creates a solid in which all the triangles are replaced with lines. The internal flat list of triangle indices is converted to a flat list of line indices. Edges shared between triangles are not repeated. Such solid can be rendered as a wireframe after pass:setMeshMode('lines') is set (this is not automatically handled by the draw() method).

The intended use is to support custom drawing methods which can give a special treatment to edges.

solid = solids.tcube(0.7):triangleToLine()

function lovr.draw(pass)
  for i = 1, #solid.ilist, 2 do -- draw a capsule between each two points
    local i1, i2 = solid.ilist[i], solid.ilist[i   1]
    local v1, v2 = solid.vlist[i1], solid.vlist[i2]
    pass:capsule(vec3(unpack(v1)), vec3(unpack(v2)), 0.02, 8)


Returns a map of connections between vertex indices in a solid that can be used to gain insight into the mesh.

solid = solids:cylinder(5)
graph = solid:getConnections()

-- check if vertices #1 and #2 are connected
if graph[1][2] then

-- iterate over all vertices connected to 2
for vi, _ in pairs(graph[2]) do
  local vertex = solid.vlist[vi]
  -- process the vertex

solid:debugDraw(pass, ...)

Visualizes the solid shape in a wireframe mode, together with face normals. This is useful for inspection of meshes during development.


realtime demo of CSG operations

Constructive Solid Geometry is a technique of modeling 3D shapes by adding, subtracting and intersecting meshes. The csg library is implementation of CSG algorithms using efficient binary space partitioning.

The algorithm was originally constructed by Evan Wallace as JS library and ported to Lua by Tobias Teleman. This codebase fixes and improves on Lua code and adapts it to LOVR's data structures by using lovr.math vectors. The result can be used in LOVR once the CSG object is converted back to solid object.

csg = require('solids')
csg = require('csg')
csgA = csg.fromSolid(solidA)
csgB = csg.fromSolid(solidB)
csgU = csgA:union(csgB)       -- or with syntax sugar: csgU = csgA   csgB
csgI = csgA:intersect(csgB)                         -- csgI = csgA * csgB
csgS = csgA:subtract(csgB)                          -- csgS = csgA - csgB
solidU = solids.fromCSG(csgU)
solidI = solids.fromCSG(csgI)
solidS = solids.fromCSG(csgS)

The CSG object can be initialized from a solid object (described above), or from similarly formatted table of vertices and indices. If instancing from custom table, the vertices should be stored in a nested table under key vlist, and triangle indices in a flat table under key ilist.

The CSG library converts the input to a list of polygons. The union/subtract/intersect operations are immutable - they don't modify input CSG objects, they instead create new CSG object and return it as a result.


  • non-intersecting polygons still generate excess geometry
  • pick better split heuristics than using the first polygon
  • all issues from original repo are retained in this implementation


The code in repository is under MIT license.

The sphere generation uses lovr-icosphere code under MIT license.

The csg algorithm originates from code under MIT license.


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