Open jenkins Dockerfile
- Check FROM jenkins:weekly
- Show Mesos native library setup
- Check Jenkins configuration
- Check master num executors=0
- Plugin management with .csv file
- Check mesos plugin presence
$curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://MARATHON_PUBLIC_HOST:8080/v2/apps [email protected]
- Show application in Marathon interface
- Show Jenkins logs on Mesos slave
$docker ps
$docker logs -f $(docker ps -lq)
- Mesos native library path=/usr/lib/
- Mesos Master [hostname:port]=MESOS_HOST:5050
- Checkpointing=Yes
- Label String=java
- Idle Termination Minutes=30
- check Use Docker Containerizer
- Docker Image=java:7
- Project type=Freestyle project
- Project name=Projet Java
- Restrict where this project can be run=java
- Add build step
- Execute shell
- Command=java -version
- Save Project and run it
- Check Build Queue
- Check Build Executor Status
- Check Console Output
- Check node on Jenkins
- Check active tasks on Mesos Jenkins Scheduler framework
- Check container on Mesos slave
$docker ps
- On Configure System add a new Maven installation
- Name=maven
- Check Install automatically
- Install from Apache with version 3.2.2
- Label String=maven
- Idle Termination Minutes=30
- check Use Docker Containerizer
- Docker Image=jlrigau/maven-git
- Project type=Maven project
- Project name=Projet Maven
- Restrict where this project can be run=maven
- Configure Source Code Management
- Check Git
- Repository URL=
- Configure Build
- Root POM=sample/pom.xml
- Goals and options=clean package
- Save Project and run it
$docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID /bin/bash
- Look at /jenkins/workspace/Projet Maven