A hopefully ever-growing list of web-development related challenges
Don't be too vague, but don't be too specific. Make the challenge itself specific and measurable, but try not to impose a language or framework.
If you do want to create a framework/language specific challenge, try to focus on challenges that are unique to that framework/language.
Avoid "learn XYZ" style challenges - focus on challenges that can be DONE or shown in a Git repo.
Favor challenges that will teach a new, useful skill that is relevant to web development, or skills that teach devs how to solve real web dev problems. The challenge can be a fun, meaningless exercise, but its purpose should be to expose the developer to skills that are applicable to daily web dev tasks.
- Accessibility
- Api
- Auth and Service
- Database
- Environments and Server
- Git
- JavaScript
- Misc
- Mobile/Hybrid
- Task Runners
- Terminal / Shell
- Use a screen reader to test your pages
- Build a REST API to obtain information about movies, directors, and actors, as well as add their favorites of each, to a personal list.
- Build a SOAP API that would let you store someone's email - such as for allowing a newsletter signup.
- Add API authentication.
- Add API request throttling.
- Add API versioning.
- Document your API.
- Display a Facebook feed on a page through its API.
- Display a Twitter feed on a page through its API.
- Create a web app that lets authenticated users post tweets to your Twitter account.
- Build a Reddit bot that follows you around and gives you random compliments when you post.
- Display LinkedIn work experience on a page through its API.
- Create a webapp using a weather API and an image API like flickr to display images based on the weather.
- Use the Spotify API to search for a particular song or artist and create a webpage with details on that particular song/artist.
- Create a custom-styled map using the Google Maps API
- Traditional form-based identifier/password.
- Traditional form-based Identifier/password w/remember-me feature.
- Implement JWT auth.
- SSO.
- Password-less auth.
- Auth via social network accounts.
- Implement an OAuth2 server and a fake service and a fake app to make use of it.
- Adding user registration.
- Incorporate email confirmation and forgotten password functionality.
- Set up WordPress and create a custom theme ~ Developing a WordPress Theme from Scratch
- Set up Drupal and create a custom theme ~ Drupal Theming Guide
- Draw Homer Simpson using nothing but CSS.
- Create a sprite sheet of Simpsons character components and create your own FrankenSimpson from it.
- Vertically center a div.
- Create a responsive three column equal height layout divided by 1px borders/dividers.
- Create a sticky header.
- Create a sticky footer.
- Collapse a navigation bar to a hamburger menu when you're using any mobile device ~ Responsive Dropdown Navigation Bar
- Create a responsive website by using CSS media queries.
- Collapse a navigation bar to a hamburger menu when you're using any mobile device ~ Tutorial
- Do the same, as the above, but only for the iPhone 6 Plus.
- Create a basic CSS3 animation which uses opacity, transform and keyframes.
- Try a preprocessor like LESS, SASS or Stylus.
- Create a responsive grid with flexbox ~ Easiest Flex Grid Ever
- Create a basic website using Bootstrap
- Create a basic website using Foundation
- Create a pure CSS parallax scrolling effect
- Create a normalized database for storing comments and authors. Using that database, display the comments with authors, without incurring N 1 queries to do it.
- Create an app that stores users, movies, lets users favorite movies, tag movies with common tags, and tag movies with their own user-created tags.
- Use the entity-attribute-value pattern to create an app that lets you define and store any arbitrary characteristics about any video game.
- Replicate Reddit's comment system in as much detail as possible using the adjacency list pattern.
- Do the above, but with the closure table pattern.
- Do the above, but with the nested set pattern.
- Write a SQL query that removes all duplicate records from a table.
- Create a Vagrant box that would let you host a new Rails site.
- Create a Vagrant box that would let you host a new WordPress site.
- Create a Vagrant box that would let you host a new Django site.
- Set up your own DigitalOcean server and provision it to host one of the three sites above.
- Set up public/private SSH keys for that server.
- Set up a local MAMP or WAMP environment ~ MAMP Tutorial, WAMP Tutorial
- Set up virtual hosts so each site can have its own local domain ~ MAMP Tutorial, WAMP Tutorial
- Create a Bootstrap web application and link it to your server. http://getbootstrap.com/
- Create a simple Node.js application and host it on your server.
- Create and run a Docker image that would let you host a Django site.
- Deploy using a Docker image on services such as DigitalOcean or AWS ECS.
- Set up two different GitHub accounts, and learn how to SSH different projects with different accounts.
- Use command line to push a Git repository from a local environment to a live server. ~ Getting Started with Git
- Squash different Git commits together
- Try creating a pull request on another repository at the command line. You never know what good stuff could happen...
- Create an image slider that accepts any number of slides and changes them every 5 seconds.
- Create a sticky element that doesn't attach to the top of the screen until you scroll to its position.
- AJAX submit a form, validate it server-side, and display those validation errors.
- Validate form data on the client-side.
- Build a date-picker plugin.
- Create a drag and drop functionality to upload files.
- Build a tic tac toe game.
- Build a simple multi-page app using Angular.js.
- Build a select-box replacement plugin.
- Build a plugin that provides a popup window functionality.
- Redo the exercises using jQuery.
- Create a navigation bar that tracks your scrolling activity and indicates which section of the page you're viewing.
- Create a pomodoro timer with start/stop/reset functionality.
- Build a chrome extension that contains a content script which modifies the Facebook appearance.
- Build a chrome extension which provides a possibility of adding bookmarks with a form on the newtab page.
- Build a chrome extension that shows WHOIS information about the domain you're on.
- Build a scraper that aggregates all the hash tags and their links from Twitter's home page. Hint - requires you to be authenticated.
- Build a link shortener.
- Create a link/URL lengthener (making it much longer) with funny/meme/themed words in the URL, ex. Star Wars, Space Jam, etc.
- Build a simple portfolio website to showcase your work.
- Create a Ionic project using http://www.ionicframework.com/
- Build the hybrid app on the Android platform, resulting in a .APK file of your app.
- Build the hybrid app on the iOS platform, resulting in a .IPA file of your app.
- Try to create a project using Laravel.
- Use the PHP password API to safely generate a password hash, verify it, and check if it needs to be rehashed due to a stronger work-factor.
- Create basic login system.
- Create a custom form validation
- Create a small custom blog system that contains CRUD operations
- Implement a templating engine (smarty or twig)
- Use Grunt to compile Sass into CSS, minify, and autoprefix. ~ Getting Started with Grunt and Sass
- Use Gulp to compile Sass into CSS, minify, and autoprefix. ~ Gulp for Beginners
- Use npm scripts to compile Sass into CSS, minify and autoprefix
- Setup LiveReload with either Grunt or Gulp.
- Write a shell script that copies files from one location to another.
- Write a shell script that allows you to google a search term from the command line.
- Write a shell script that prints a unicorn in ASCII characters.