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A simple namespace-aware XML writer for Common Lisp. Much like the xml-emitter project (, but with better support for characters with codes over 255, namespaces, and CDATA.

NOTE! cl-xmlw is quite close to what is provided by CXML serialization interface. I did not notice this before writing cl-xmlw, which is the reason I did. So, feel free to use cl-xmlw, but it is not going to be included in the quicklisp distribution, and I am not planning to maintain it in the future.

There are a couple of things, though, that cl-xmlw does that CXML cannot do:

  • Emitting the standalone="yes" attribute in the XML prologue
  • Combining pretty-printed and "compact" XML in a single document as shown in the third example below.

Basic use

Without extra options, you get prettily printed XML with standard stuff:

(xmlw:writing-xml (*standard-output*)
  (xmlw:with-tag ("foo")
    (xmlw:attr "bar" "baz")
    (xmlw:content "Hello world!")))
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<foo bar="baz">
  Hello world!

You can disable pretty printing and set the attributes with certain keyword arguments:

(xmlw:writing-xml (*standard-output* :indent nil :standalone t)
  (xmlw:with-tag ("foo")
    (xmlw:attr "bar" "baz")
    (xmlw:content "Hello world!")))
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><foo bar="baz">Hello world!</foo>

Marking a tag compact removes the pretty printing from that tag, regardless of the whole document's settings:

(xmlw:writing-xml (*standard-output* :indent 4 :prologue nil)
  (xmlw:with-tag ("foo")
    (xmlw:attr "bar" "baz")
    (xmlw:with-tag ("simple" :compact t)
      (xmlw:content "simple content"))
    (xmlw:with-tag ("complex")
      (xmlw:cdata "extremely complex"))))
<foo bar="baz">
    <simple>simple content</simple>
        <![CDATA[extremely complex]]>

For convenience, the previous example can be written shortly using the tag macro:

(xmlw:writing-xml (*standard-output* :indent 4 :prologue nil)
  (xmlw:with-tag ("foo")
    (xmlw:attr "bar" "baz")
    (xmlw:tag "simple" "simple content")
    (xmlw:with-tag ("complex")
      (xmlw:cdata "extremely complex"))))
<foo bar="baz">
    <simple>simple content</simple>
        <![CDATA[extremely complex]]>

Escaping of the special characters is done automatically:

(xmlw:writing-xml (*standard-output* :indent 4)
  (xmlw:with-tag ("foo")
    (xmlw:attr "bar" "i'm a so-called \"value\".")
    (xmlw:content "42 > 17 && 17 < 42")
    (xmlw:cdata "ASCII fish, like ]]>, taste good.")))
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<foo bar="i&apos;m a so-called &quot;value&quot;.">
    42 &gt; 17 &amp;&amp; 17 &lt; 42
    <![CDATA[ASCII fish, like ]]]]><![CDATA[>, taste good.]]>


If you only need a namespace for a single tag, you can specify it there:

(xmlw:writing-xml (*standard-output*)
  (xmlw:with-tag (((xmlw:namespace "http://somwhere/quux") "foo"))
    (xmlw:attr "bar" "baz")
    (xmlw:content "Hello world!")))
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<foo xmlns="http://somwhere/quux" bar="baz">
  Hello world!

However, usually you would reuse the namespaces for a more complex structure:

(let ((quux (xmlw:namespace "http://somwhere/quux"))
      (xyzzy (xmlw:namespace "http://somewhere/xyzzy")))
  (xmlw:writing-xml (*standard-output*)
    (xmlw:with-tag ((quux "foo"))
      (xmlw:attr "bar" "baz")
      (xmlw:with-tag ((xyzzy "greeting"))
        (xmlw:content "Hello world!")))))
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<foo xmlns="http://somwhere/quux" bar="baz">
  <greeting xmlns="http://somewhere/xyzzy">
    Hello world!

And to get the tags (and attributes) prefixed nicely:

(let ((quux (xmlw:namespace "http://somwhere/quux"))
      (xyzzy (xmlw:namespace "http://somewhere/xyzzy")))
  (xmlw:writing-xml (*standard-output*)
    (xmlw:with-tag ((quux "foo"))
      (xmlw:attr (xmlw:*xmlns* "quuxref") quux)
      (xmlw:attr (xmlw:*xmlns* "xyzzy") xyzzy)
      (xmlw:attr (quux "bar") "baz")
      (xmlw:with-tag ((xyzzy "greeting"))
        (xmlw:attr (quux "target") "mankind")
        (xmlw:attr (xyzzy "kind") "benevolent")
        (xmlw:content "Hello world!")))))
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<quuxref:foo xmlns:quuxref="http://somwhere/quux" xmlns:xyzzy="http://somewhere/xyzzy" quuxref:bar="baz">
  <xyzzy:greeting quuxref:target="mankind" xyzzy:kind="benevolent">
    Hello world!



This class is used to track namespaces in the XML documents. It is opaque to users of the library.


(namespace uri)

Creates a new namespace object with the given URI.


(writing-xml stream &key (version "1.0") (encoding "UTF-8") standalone (indent 2) (prologue t) &body body)

  • stream (stream) specifies the stream for output
  • version (string) contains the value of the version attribute in the prologue
  • encoding (string) contains the vlaue of the encoding attribute in the prologue. Note that it does NOT have any effect on encoding of the content; that is left for the output stream to handle. Thus, you should match the value of the encoding parameter with your output stream's encoding.
  • if standalone (boolean) is set to a true value, the prologue will contain the standalone="yes" attribute
  • indent (NIL or integer) specifiees the number of spaces of indentation. Set to NIL to disable indentation and line breaks totally.
  • set prologue (boolean) to NIL to disable writing of the <?xml ...?> prologue.
  • The body contains the code for writing out the actual document.


(with-tag (name &key compact) &body body) (with-tag ((ns name) &key compact) &body body)

  • name (string) is the tag's name.
  • ns (namespace) is the tag's namespace.
  • compact (boolean) can be set to true to disable indentation and line feeds for this tag's content.
  • body contains the attributes, other tags, and content for the tag.

Macro ATTR

(attr name value) (attr (ns name) value)

  • name (string) is the attribute's name.
  • ns (namespace) is the attribute's namespace.
  • value (string) is the attribute's value.

Function CONTENT

(content &rest data)

The data (strings) are written, escaped as necessary, into the document.

Function CDATA

(cdata &rest data)

The data (strings) are written, escaped as necessary, into the document, inside a <![CDATA[...]]> block.


(content-format &rest args)

A convenience function - identical to (content (format nil [args])).


(cdata-format &rest args)

A convenience function - identical to (cdata (format nil [args])).

Macro TAG

(tag name &rest content) (tag (ns name) &rest content)

  • name (string) is the tag's name.
  • ns (namespace) is the tag's namespace.
  • content (strings) contain the tag's content.


(tag-format name &rest args) (tag-format (ns name) &rest args)

A convenience function - identical to (tag name (format nil [args])).

Contact information

If you have a bug to report, or an enhancement to suggest, you can reach me at [email protected].


Simple namespace-aware XML writer for Common Lisp







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