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API for Puzzle Massive and Other Services

systemd services defined in this api/ directory:

  • puzzle-massive-api.service API - Flask app to handle requests
  • puzzle-massive-artist.service Artist - Run the puzzle_create jobs
  • puzzle-massive-backup-db.service Executes the bin/ script
  • puzzle-massive-backup-db.timer Run puzzle-massive-backup-db service every 13 hours
  • puzzle-massive-cache-purge.path Activate the service if the purge url list file changes.
  • puzzle-massive-cache-purge.service Purges the cached URLs listed in urls-to-purge.txt
  • puzzle-massive-janitor.service Janitor - Run the puzzle_cleanup jobs
  • puzzle-massive-publish.service Publish - Piece Movement Publish
  • puzzle-massive-scheduler.service Scheduler - Run tasks at predefined intervals

API Handles /newapi/* Requests

The Flask app for API defines all the routes in the [api/](api/ file. The NGINX web server proxies any of the requests for /newapi/* to this app.

API chart

API er diagram
  ROUTE_NEWAPI |{--|| API : "Proxies requests to"
  ROUTE_NEWAPI |{--|| PUBLISH : "Proxies requests to"


The api/ application listens for jobs on a Redis queue to start the rendering process of creating puzzle pieces from an image.


The api/ application listens for jobs on a Redis queue to clean up inactive puzzles and handles unsplash image fetch jobs.


The Flask app for Publish defines all the routes in the [api/](api/ file. The NGINX web server proxies these requests to the Publish app.

  • ^/newapi/puzzle/.*/piece/.*/move/
  • ^/newapi/puzzle/.*/piece/.*/token/


The Python app that handles scheduled jobs is at [api/](api/ It handles the below tasks:

  • AutoRebuildCompletedPuzzle - Auto rebuild completed puzzles that are no longer recent
  • BumpMinimumDotsForPlayers - Increase dots for players that have less then the minimum
  • UpdateModifiedDateOnPuzzle - Update the m_date for all recently updated puzzles based on pcupdates redis sorted set
  • UpdatePlayer - Update the User points, score, m_date from what has recently been put on redis
  • UpdatePuzzleStats - Update the puzzle stats/timeline from what has recently been put on redis
  • UpdatePuzzleQueue - Update puzzle queue for original puzzles (not puzzle instances)
  • AutoApproveUserNames - Approve user names that have not been approved and have old approved_date.
  • SendDigestEmailForAdmin Let admin know of any items of interest via email