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Ansible Role: GitLab

Big thank you to Jeff Geerling, original author.


Installs GitLab, a Ruby-based front-end to Git, on any RedHat/CentOS or Debian/Ubuntu linux system.

GitLab's default administrator account details are below; be sure to login immediately after installation and change these credentials!




Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

gitlab_domain: gitlab
gitlab_external_url: "https://{{ gitlab_domain }}/"

The domain and URL at which the GitLab instance will be accessible. This is set as the external_url configuration setting in gitlab.rb, and if you want to run GitLab on a different port (besides 80/443), you can specify the port here (e.g. https://gitlab:8443/ for port 8443).

gitlab_git_data_dir: "/var/opt/gitlab/git-data"

The gitlab_git_data_dir is the location where all the Git repositories will be stored. You can use a shared drive or any path on the system.

gitlab_backup_path: "/var/opt/gitlab/backups"

The gitlab_backup_path is the location where Gitlab backups will be stored.

gitlab_edition: "gitlab-ce"

The edition of GitLab to install. Usually either gitlab-ce (Community Edition) or gitlab-ee (Enterprise Edition).

gitlab_version: ''

If you'd like to install a specific version, set the version here (e.g. 11.4.0-ce.0 for Debian/Ubuntu, or 11.4.0-ce.0.el7 for RedHat/CentOS).

gitlab_config_template: "gitlab.rb.j2"

The gitlab.rb.j2 template packaged with this role is meant to be very generic and serve a variety of use cases. However, many people would like to have a much more customized version, and so you can override this role's default template with your own, adding any additional customizations you need. To do this:

  • Create a templates directory at the same level as your playbook.
  • Create a templates\mygitlab.rb.j2 file (just choose a different name from the default template).
  • Set the variable like: gitlab_config_template: mygitlab.rb.j2 (with the name of your custom template).

SSL Configuration.

gitlab_redirect_http_to_https: true
gitlab_ssl_certificate: "/etc/gitlab/ssl/{{ gitlab_domain }}.crt"
gitlab_ssl_certificate_key: "/etc/gitlab/ssl/{{ gitlab_domain }}.key"

GitLab SSL configuration; tells GitLab to redirect normal http requests to https, and the path to the certificate and key (the default values will work for automatic self-signed certificate creation, if set to true in the variable below).

# SSL Self-signed Certificate Configuration.
gitlab_create_self_signed_cert: true
gitlab_self_signed_cert_subj: "/C=US/ST=Missouri/L=Saint Louis/O=IT/CN={{ gitlab_domain }}"

Whether to create a self-signed certificate for serving GitLab over a secure connection. Set gitlab_self_signed_cert_subj according to your locality and organization.

LetsEncrypt Configuration.

gitlab_letsencrypt_enable: false
gitlab_letsencrypt_contact_emails: ["[email protected]"]
gitlab_letsencrypt_auto_renew_hour: 1
gitlab_letsencrypt_auto_renew_minute: 30
gitlab_letsencrypt_auto_renew_day_of_month: "*/7"
gitlab_letsencrypt_auto_renew: true

GitLab LetsEncrypt configuration; tells GitLab whether to request and use a certificate from LetsEncrypt, if gitlab_letsencrypt_enable is set to true. Multiple contact emails can be configured under gitlab_letsencrypt_contact_emails as a list.

# LDAP Configuration.
gitlab_ldap_enabled: false
gitlab_ldap_host: ""
gitlab_ldap_port: "389"
gitlab_ldap_uid: "sAMAccountName"
gitlab_ldap_method: "plain"
gitlab_ldap_bind_dn: "CN=Username,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com"
gitlab_ldap_password: "password"
gitlab_ldap_base: "DC=example,DC=com"

GitLab LDAP configuration; if gitlab_ldap_enabled is true, the rest of the configuration will tell GitLab how to connect to an LDAP server for centralized authentication.

  - openssh-server
  - postfix
  - curl
  - openssl
  - tzdata

Dependencies required by GitLab for certain functionality, like timezone support or email. You may change this list in your own playbook if, for example, you would like to install exim instead of postfix.

gitlab_time_zone: "UTC"

Gitlab timezone.

gitlab_backup_keep_time: "604800"

How long to keep local backups (useful if you don't want backups to fill up your drive!).

gitlab_download_validate_certs: true

Controls whether to validate certificates when downloading the GitLab installation repository install script.

# Email configuration.
gitlab_email_enabled: false
gitlab_email_from: "[email protected]"
gitlab_email_display_name: "Gitlab"
gitlab_email_reply_to: "[email protected]"

Gitlab system mail configuration. Disabled by default; set gitlab_email_enabled to true to enable, and make sure you enter valid from/reply-to values.

# SMTP Configuration
gitlab_smtp_enable: false
gitlab_smtp_address: "smtp.server"
gitlab_smtp_port: "465"
gitlab_smtp_user_name: "smtp user"
gitlab_smtp_password: "smtp password"
gitlab_smtp_domain: ""
gitlab_smtp_authentication: "login"
gitlab_smtp_enable_starttls_auto: true
gitlab_smtp_tls: false
gitlab_smtp_openssl_verify_mode: "none"
gitlab_smtp_ca_path: "/etc/ssl/certs"
gitlab_smtp_ca_file: "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"

Gitlab SMTP configuration; of gitlab_smtp_enable is true, the rest of the configuration will tell GitLab how to send mails using an smtp server.

gitlab_nginx_listen_port: 8080

If you are running GitLab behind a reverse proxy, you may want to override the listen port to something else.

gitlab_nginx_listen_https: false

If you are running GitLab behind a reverse proxy, you may wish to terminate SSL at another proxy server or load balancer

gitlab_nginx_ssl_verify_client: ""
gitlab_nginx_ssl_client_certificate: ""

If you want to enable 2-way SSL Client Authentication, set gitlab_nginx_ssl_verify_client and add a path to the client certificate in gitlab_nginx_ssl_client_certificate.

gitlab_default_theme: 2

GitLab includes a number of themes, and you can set the default for all users with this variable. See the included GitLab themes to choose a default.

  - gitlab_rails:
      - key: "trusted_proxies"
        value: "['foo', 'bar']"
      - key: "env"
        type: "plain"
        value: |
          "http_proxy" => "",
          "https_proxy" => "",
          "no_proxy" => "localhost,,"
  - unicorn:
      - key: "worker_processes"
        value: 5
      - key: "pidfile"
        value: "/opt/gitlab/var/unicorn/"

Gitlab have many other settings (see official documentation), and you can add them with this special variable gitlab_extra_settings with the concerned setting and the key and value keywords.



Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
    - vars/main.yml
    - { role: geerlingguy.gitlab }

Inside vars/main.yml:

gitlab_external_url: ""



Author Information

This role was created in 2014 by Jeff Geerling, author of Ansible for DevOps.


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