Resource or API rate limiting/throttling.
composer require jitendra/php-valve
// Instantiate limiter that allows 200 attempts per minute.
// Optionally pass custom \Predis\Client client.
$limiter = new \Jitendra\PhpValve\FixedBasic\Redis(60000, 200);
// Attempts passed resource, Optionally pass cost value.
// [
// 1, // Allowed?
// 200, // X-RateLimit-Limit
// 199, // X-RateLimit-Remaining
// 1516612980700, // X-RateLimit-Reset (in milliseconds)
// 1516612980700, // X-RateLimit-RetryAfter (in milliseconds, -1 if not rate limited)
// ]
Fixed Basic
Rate limit attempt to a resource by specifying limit for fixed duration. E.g. 100 attempts per minute.
Leaky Bucket
Rate limit attempt to a resource via standard leaky bucket logic. E.g. With max burst of 200 and leak rate of 10 requests per second.