Multi image downloader with priority in Swift
- Very light
- Multi image download with priority
- Caching images
- Pure Swift
- Composable image
- Support WebP
Single download | Multi download with priority |
Setup CocoaPods:
$ gem install cocoapods
CocoaPods 1.1.0+ is required to build Vulcan
platform :ios, "8.0"
target "<Your Target Name>" do
pod "Vulcan"
Then, run the following command:
$ pod install
Setup carthage:
$ brew update
$ brew install carthage
github "jinSasaki/Vulcan"
import Vulcan
// Single downloading
imageView.vl.setImage(url: URL(string: "/path/to/image")!)
// Multi downloading
// This image will be overridden by the image of higher priority URL.
imageView.vl.setImage(urls: [
.url(URL(string: "/path/to/image")!, priority: 100),
.url(URL(string: "/path/to/image")!, priority: 1000)
If you installed via CocoaPods, add pod "Vulcan/WebP"
If you installed via Carthage, add SwiftWebP.framework
to project.
import Vulcan
import SwiftWebP // Only installed via Carthage
extension WebPDecoder: ImageDecoder {
public func decode(data: Data, response: HTTPURLResponse, options: ImageDecodeOptions?) throws -> Image {
let contentTypes = response.allHeaderFields.filter({ ($0.key as? String ?? "").lowercased() == "content-type" })
let contentType = contentTypes.first,
let value = contentType.value as? String,
value == "image/webp",
let image = WebPDecoder.decode(data) else {
return try DefaultImageDecoder().decode(data: data, response: response, options: options)
return image
// Set decoder to shared ImageDownloader
Vulcan.defaultImageDownloader.decoder = WebPDecoder()
// Request image with URL
imageView.vl.setImage(url: URL(string: "/path/to/image")!)
- iOS 9.0+
- Xcode 8.1+
- Swift 3.0.1+