A base image and action for Toolbx and Distrobox. Sure, you can use the distro you're used to, but what if ...
This image is going to experiment with what a "born from cloud native" UNIX terminal experience would look like. It is designed to be used in conjuction with a dotfile manager so that the entire image and config are managed in git. It's designed to be the companion userspace for cloud-native desktops. We're starting small but have big aspirations.
- Starts with the latest Alpine image from the Toolbx Community Images
- Adds some quality of life
prompt for that <3just
for task executionchezmoi
for dotfile managementbtop
for process managementmicro
text editorspython3
- Common tools:
- Host Management QoL
- These are meant for occasional one off commands, not complex workflows
- Auto symlink the flatpak, podman, and docker commands
- Auto symlink rpm-ostree for Fedora
- Auto symlink transactional-update for openSUSE MicroOS
- These are meant for occasional one off commands, not complex workflows
If you use distrobox:
SHELL=/usr/bin/fish distrobox create -i ghcr.io/jgierer12/boxkit -n boxkit
distrobox enter boxkit
If you use toolbx:
toolbox create -i ghcr.io/jgierer12/boxkit -c boxkit
toolbox enter boxkit -- fish
Use chezmoi
to pull down your dotfiles and set up git sync.
Fork and add programs to this this image - over time you'll end up with the perfect CLI for you.
The user experience is much nicer if you set your terminal open right in the container and is the intended experience.
While LTS images pay the bills they move at that pace for a reason, I wanted:
- Something that kept up the pace with cloud native tech
- Expansive repos so all stack needs are covered
- But also has all the cool new tools the rustaceans keep cranking out
- apk is fast
And of course, as the user space for a cloud-native desktop the biggest reason is it's everywhere in the stack, why not be the "default terminal"?
Also, I've never gotten really to know Alpine, the problem with running distros like this bare metal on my PC is that there's a whole bunch of hardware quirks and all sorts of little enablement things that more generalized distros tend to get right.
But in a Toolbx/Distrobox world the kernel and anything that talks to hardware is handled by the host operating system. This let's us concentrate on just the CLI experience, get yourself some of that UNIX bling. Also apk is fast. Watch the video for more!
These images are signed with sisgstore's cosign. You can verify the signature by downloading the cosign.pub
key from this repo and running the following command:
cosign verify --key cosign.pub ghcr.io/ublue-os/boxkit
If you're forking this repo you should read the docs on keeping secrets in github. You need to generate a new keypair with cosign. The public key can be in your public repo (your users need it to check the signatures), and you can paste the private key in Settings -> Secrets -> Actions.
I know what you're thinking, we're just going to shove everything from Modern UNIX in there and it's going to look like a glitter explosion.
That's why I'm going to be strongly opinionated, so use this as a base to build your own perfect CLI experience. Custom configs are NOT included, those belong in your dotfiles, use them in combination with an image.
This is a tame first effort, one of you out there is going to make something better than this, the perfect CLI workspace, I salute you.
Of course you can make this however you want, but start with the Toolbx Community images. These are a set of mostly-stock images with packages needed to run as a toolbox/distrobox already installed.
Try to derive your blingbox from those base images so we can all help maintain them over time, you can't have bling without good stock!
Tag your image with boxkit
to share with others!