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Exceptional Exceptions for ambitious applications


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Ember-exex: Exceptional Exceptions for ambitious applications

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Ember Exceptional Exceptions: Customizable error classes and error re-throwing with original error included

Build Status Ember Observer Score npm version

Why ember exex

When building advanced javascript application full featured error handling is required, but unfortunately it is not provided in javascript out of the box. Taste flavor of Java like exceptions in javascript:

  • Custom error classes
  • Re-throwing of an error with additional context and original error
  • Additonal tooling

Console example

alt tag


Build Status


ember install ember-exex

Multiple error classes with inheritance

import {defineError} from 'ember-exex/error';

const ApplicationError = defineError({
    name: 'ApplicationError', 
    message: 'General application error'

const ServiceError = defineError({
    name: 'ServiceError', 
    message: 'Service error', 
    extends: ApplicationError

const UserInterfaceError = defineError({
    name: 'UserInterfaceError', 
    message: 'Service error', 
    extends: ApplicationError

try {
    throw new UserInterfaceError();
} catch (e) {

    console.log(e instanceof UserInterfaceError); // true
    console.log(e instanceof ApplicationError); // true
    console.log(e instanceof Error); // true
    console.log(e instanceof ServiceError); // false
    if (e instanceof UserInterfaceError) {
    } else if (e instanceof ServiceError) {
    } else if (e instanceof ApplicationError) {
    } else if (e instanceof Error) {

Re-throwing error with wrapped catched error

import {defineError} from 'ember-exex/error';

const DatabaseError = defineError({
    name: 'DatabaseError', 
    message: 'Database error', 
    extends: ApplicationError
const UserInterfaceError = defineError({
    name: 'UserInterfaceError', 
    message: 'Service error', 
    extends: ApplicationError

try {
    throw new DatabaseError('Database IO error')
} catch (e) {
    throw new UserInterfaceError('Cannot render user interface')

Wrapped error is included as string in error.stack and stored as property on wrapping error error.previous

Parametrized error messages

import {defineError} from 'ember-exex/error';

const DatabaseError = defineError({
    name: 'DatabaseError', 
    message: "Database IO error at table '{table}' in '{db}'"

try {
    throw new DatabaseError({params: {db: 'mydb', table: 'posts'}});
} catch (e) {
    console.log(e.message); // Database IO error at 'posts' in 'mydb'

Extending errors

import {defineError} from 'ember-exex/error';

const ServiceError = defineError({
     name: 'ServiceError', 
     resolve: function() {

try {
    throw new ServiceError();
} catch (e) {
    if (e instanceof ServiceError) {
    } else {
        // do something else