A lerna based monorepo for some personal custom packages. ( some packages are wip and some used in production )
All written in typescript and using the thi.ng ecosystem as a thin architectural base. Primarily for features like streams, shader-ast, vectors & transducers.
Browser based helpers, gesture streams, keyboard, timers, resize observers, etc.
Color helpers and utlities for generating color palettes using thi.ng/color.
Examples : color palette grid
Some transducer / iterator based helpers for generating seeded infinite style grids/subgrids.
Examples: infinite grid/subgrid
A work in progress stream based motion library. For manipulating objects as a series of stream based attributes/buffers. ( position, scale, etc ).
Examples: motion trails
Some helpers for three.js, lighting rigs, quick scene/sketch setup, renderer helpers, geometry cache, etc.
Helpers for GPGPU abstractions for ping/pong style state handling on the GPU. Plus initial stages of GPU based particle system helpers written with shader AST - a typescript based GLSL abstraction.
Examples: curl particles / gpgpu state
Examples source is found in /examples/src or other sketches found at. jamieowen.com