##What is JSF-CORE? JSF-core is jsf server console which provide management for JSF client. The following functions are provided, such as:registration management,schedule task. In the future, we will also provide more extensive management functions.
##What does JSF-CORE do?
Registry center
- service registry
- service subscribe
- service discover
- service push
- service configration push
- service health monitor
worker is schedule task
- monitor the aviable status of registry
- Delete expired data in mysql
- count number of tcp
- count number of provider
- count number of consumer
##Database We use mysql database. We should install mysql before. There are two databases: saf21 and saf_registry, which sql files were In the following directory: ${jsf-core}/jsf-common/sql.
##dependencies Zookeeper 3.0 Mysql 5.5 Maven 3.1.x JDK1.8.0 JSF SDK(https://github.com/tigcode/jsf-sdk)