NSS Cohort D14
Instructor - Scott Humphries
Advisors - Caitlin Stein & Callan Morrison
As a forgetful reader, I wanted a way to track books I am currently reading, books I'd like to read, and books I've read in the past. This application was designed as a CRUD application to make that tracking process easier!
- After utilizing Angular for my Front End Capstone project, I wanted to try and attack a new set of technologies for my final project. I spent the last month at Nashville software school learning React and Redux on top of the regular curriculum in order to achieve this goal.
- I really loved the functional programming that Redux implicates into a system and building this application has been a great introduction into functional programming as a whole, which I look forward to understanding more in depth.
- This application was also build with a Node.js server running on the back end, as well as taking care of the API routes which point to MongoDb endpoints, currently hosted on Mlab.