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Navimi - Simplicity focused SPA library

Navimi is a minimalist JavaScript library to create SPAs without a build process.
With Navimi, you have the flexibility to choose between an imperative or reactive approach, depending on your preferences. The library is designed to be simple and easy to use, so you can focus on your code and not worry about learning complex tools like TypeScript, Babel, or Webpack. Of course, if you're already familiar with these tools, you can still use them with Navimi to enhance your development experience.


  • Components

    • Create reusable custom elements with encapsulated functionality.
  • Routing with path and queryString parsing

    • Use the widely-adopted syntax for routes, including support for path and query string parsing.
  • State management with watchers

    • Watch changes to any level of the state using a simple dot notation.
  • Services injection

    • Create your own services and have them injected into your routes and components.
  • Routes middleware

    • Intercept the request pipeline with middleware.
  • Scoped CSS

    • Use global and route-scoped CSS with automatic addition and removal to avoid conflicts.
  • Atomic CSS-in-JS

    • Write CSS using JavaScript in a declarative, conflict-free and reusable way.
  • Auto Lazy load scripts, templates, css and libraries

    • Only load what you need, when you need it.
  • Hot reload

    • Make it easier to create pages without having to refresh after every single modification.
      (This funcionality is only enabled in the unminified version)

All that in just ~7kb (compressed).

Example of usage

Browser compatibility

Browser Version Date
Chrome 55 Oct 2016
Firefox 52 Mar 2017
Edge 15 Oct 2017
Safari 11 Sep 2017
Opera 42 Dec 2016

Basic Usage "low-code"


<!DOCTYPE html>


<script src="/navimi-min.js" defer></script>
<script src="/routes.js" defer></script>


new Navimi({
    "/": {
        title: "Home",
        templatesUrl: "/home.html",
    "/about": {
        title: "About",
        templatesUrl: "/about.html"


    <h1>It's working</h1>
    <a href="/about" navimi-link>About</a>        


    <h1>Boom! Done!</h1>
    <a href="/" navimi-link>Home</a>


Navimi constructor

  • (routes: { [url: string]: Route }, options?: Options)


Property Type Description
title* string The title that will be displayed on the browser
jsUrl string The path to the route script
cssUrl string The path to the route css
templatesUrl string The path to the templates file of this route
services string[] An array of services names for this route
components string[] An array of components names for this route
metadata { [key: string]: any } Any literal you need to pass down to this route and middlewares

* required


Property Type Description
globalCssUrl string The path to the global css
globalTemplatesUrl string The path to the global templates file
services { [key: string]: string } A collection of all services {[service name]: script path}
components { [key: string]: string } A collection of all components {[component name]: script path}
middlewares Middleware[] An array of functions to capture the request
hot number | boolean The port to the websocket at localhost
bustCache string Adds a string at the end of files request to bust the cache
onAfterRoute Function A function invoked after the routing is done
onBeforeRoute Function A function invoked before middlewares and routing
onError Function A function to capture erros from routes


Name Type
Next (url?: string, params?: { [key: string]: any }) => Promise | void;
Context { url: string, routeItem: Route, params: { [key: string]: any } };
Middleware (context: Context, navigateTo: (url: string, params?: { [key: string]: any }) => void, next: Next) => Promise | void;

Navimi functions

Routes and Components will receive a collection of functions provided by Navimi.

Name Signature Description
addLibrary (jsOrCssUrl: string[]) => Promise; Add one or more js and css to the page (global)
fetchJS (jsUrl: string[]) => Promise<InstanceType[]>; Fetch and return one or many scripts
fetchTemplate (templateUrl: string[]) => Promise<void[]>; Fetch and parse one or many templates
getState (key?: string) => any; Returns the state at any level using . notation
getTemplate (templateId: string[]) => string[]; Returns one or many templates by templateId
navigateTo (url: string, params?: { [key: string]: any }) => void; Navigates to an url using the router
setNavimiLinks () => void; Hook click event to links with 'navimi-link' attributte
setTitle (title: string) => void; Set the navigator title
setState (state: { [key: string]: any }) => void; Set the state at any level using . notation
unwatchState (key?: string | string[]) => void; Unwatch one or many state at any level using . notation
watchState (key: string, callback: (state: any) => void) => void; Set a state watcher at any level using . notation
style (styles: { [key: string]: any }) => string; Returns class names for the provided style object

Check the examples folder for more details.


You can build scripts that will serve as your Services and they will behave like modules. All services must be defined in Routes and Components will receive an object composed by services.

  • Routes: Services can be desconstruct from the second parameter on the constructor.
  class {
    constructor(functions, {yourService1, yourService2 ... }) {
  • Components: Services can be desconstruct from the third parameter on the constructor.
  ['yourService1','yourService2', class ComponentClassName {
    constructor(props, functions, {yourService1, yourService2 ... }) {

For components, services must be explicitly declared as you see on the code above. Routes can have services declared on the Navimi constructor.

Route life-cycle

  class {
    constructor(functions, {yourServices ... }) {
        // (OPTIONAL)
        // variables initialization and binding events handlers

    onEnter(context) {
        // invoked when the route is mounted.
        // context contains { url, Route, params }
        // time to render any DOM component you need

    onBeforeLeave(context) {
        // (OPTIONAL)
        // context contains { url, Route, params }
        // return false if you wish to maintain the user on the current page

    onLeave() {
        // (OPTIONAL)
        // the user is leaving this route
        // stop timers and event handlers if you need

    destroy() {
        // (OPTIONAL)
        // this method will be called when the file changed and will Hot reload 
        // destroy timers and event handlers

Component life-cycle

  class {
    constructor(props, functions, {yourServices ... }) {
        // (OPTIONAL)
        // variables initialization and binding events handlers

    onMount() {
        // (OPTIONAL)
        // invoked when the components is mounted.

    render(children) {
        // children contains any nested html from your component's tag
        // return html code to render

    onRender() {
        // (OPTIONAL)
        // invoked when the components is rendered.

    shouldUpdate(prevProps, nextProps) {
        // (OPTIONAL)
        // this method will get called when any html property change on the component's tag
        // return false if you wish to prevent a rerender

    onUnmount() {
        // (OPTIONAL)
        // destroy timers and event handlers

By default, when your component’s props change, your component will re-render. If your render() method depends on some other data, you can force the rerender by calling update(). Calling update() will not trigguer shouldUpdate.

Page navigation

Navimi will automatically hook click event to links with 'navimi-link' attributte rendered during the 'onEnter()'.

If you render any links after the 'onEnter()', you should call functions.setNavimiLinks() or hook those links to functions.navigateTo yourself.

You can also call functions.navigateTo whenever you need to navigate.