Hi there! Welcome to my GitHub!
My name is Iury Santos and I am a University of Brasilia (UnB) trained economist. During 2012 and 2013 I was enrolled in a Masters Degree program in Statistics in University of São Paulo (I did not finish it, though). I worked for nine years at Brazil's Securities and Exchange Commission doing supervisory and research work around financial market participants (investment funds, brokers & dealers, exchanges). I left that job around February 2023 to pursue a software engineering education in École 42 São Paulo unity (aka 42SP).
Currently my main interests are:
- Unix
- Low level programming
- Databases - mosty PostgreSQL and SQLite - (and how they use Data Structures to store, retrieve and process large amounts of data)
- Econometrics & Statistics (mainly time series methods)
I code mainly in C and R, but have some exposure to SQL, Python and Lua as well.