This document contains what are at times lengthy rationales and justifications for the decisions made in the main Style guide.
Keeping code visually grouped together (as a 100-character line limit enforces) makes it easier to understand. For example, you don't have to scroll back and forth on one line to see what's going on -- you can view it all together.
Here are examples from our codebase showing several techniques for breaking complex statements into multiple lines that are all < 100 characters. Notice techniques like:
- liberal use of linebreaks inside unclosed
- chaining methods, ending unfinished chains with a
- composing long strings by putting strings next to each other, separated by a backslash-then-newline.
- breaking long logical statements with linebreaks after operators like
scope = Translation::Phrase.includes(:phrase_translations).
where(:phrase_screenshots => {
:controller => controller_name,
translation = FactoryGirl.create(
:locale => :is,
:phrase => phrase,
:key => 'phone_number_not_revealed_time_zone',
:value => 'Símanúmerið þitt verður ekki birt. Það er aðeins hægt að hringja á '\
'milli 9:00 og 21:00 %{time_zone}.'
if @reservation_alteration.checkin == @reservation.start_date &&
@reservation_alteration.checkout == (@reservation.start_date @reservation.nights)
redirect_to_alteration @reservation_alteration
<% if @presenter.guest_visa_russia? %>
<%= icon_tile_for(I18n.t("",
:default => "Visa for foreign Travelers"),
:beveled_big_icon => "stamp") do %>
<%= I18n.t("",
:default => "Foreign guests travelling to Russia may need to obtain a visa...") %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
These code snippets are very much more readable than the alternative:
scope = Translation::Phrase.includes(:phrase_translations).joins(:phrase_screenshots).where(:phrase_screenshots => { :controller => controller_name, :action => JAROMIR_JAGR_SALUTE })
translation = FactoryGirl.create(:phrase_translation, :locale => :is, :phrase => phrase, :key => 'phone_number_not_revealed_time_zone', :value => 'Símanúmerið þitt verður ekki birt. Það er aðeins hægt að hringja á milli 9:00 og 21:00 %{time_zone}.')
if @reservation_alteration.checkin == @reservation.start_date && @reservation_alteration.checkout == (@reservation.start_date @reservation.nights)
redirect_to_alteration @reservation_alteration
<% if @presenter.guest_visa_russia? %>
<%= icon_tile_for(I18n.t("", :default => "Visa for foreign Travelers"), :beveled_big_icon => "stamp") do %>
<%= I18n.t("", :default => "Foreign guests travelling to Russia may need to obtain a visa prior to...") %>
<% end %>
<% end %>