This is my configuration for emacs. It is (as of SHA: 3edb1c7bd6d3c82c572831751d89a9a732342fc9) the following features.
- ag (silver searcher fast search)
- autotest (ruby)
- bundler (BROKEN)
- coffee-mode
- gist
- go-mode
- ido-ubiquitous
- magit
- markdown-mode
- paredit
- php-mode
- powerline
- rspec-mode
- ruby-compilation
- rvm
- smex
- yaml-mode
- zenburn-theme
Everything is based on dmitri/el-get to keep everything under control.
In addition to that everything is configured to be easy to use for people coming from Textmate (at least it was when I started working on this. I've been on Emacs for too long now :)).
- defaults.el - changes to default emacs configuration
- el-get-user/* - configuration for packages installed via el-get
- init.el - sets up the whole el-get system
- interface.el - look and feel stuff
- languages.el - configuration for programming languages modes. Eventually I plan to move most of this in el-get-user
- system.el - system specific configuration, you should edit this to input your personal paths and stuff like that
Starting from a clean emacs, it should just suffice to replace your ~/.emacs.d with the repository you cloned and then start emacs. When it's done, reboot it for maximum awesomeness :)