An online social network for musicians to connect with each other, share content,
connecting with people with similar interests, and more.
ReactJS, Material-UI
NodeJS, Express, Mongoose(MongoDB), Cloudinary
- Clone this repo
- Run
npm i
on the root-dir andclient
dirs - To install all the dependencies
Create MondoDB account and create a DB.
file in the root-dir with the following fields (can be found in the "connect" section in Mongo Atlas)DB_USER = "<Your DB user name>"
DB_PASS = "<Your DB password>"
DB_HOST = "<Your DB host>"
DB_NAME = "<Your DB name>"
- Port:
- User auth:
ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET="<Your access token secret>"
(can be a dummy string like "secret string")REFRESH_TOKEN_SECRET="<Your refresh token secret>"
(can be a dummy string like "secret string")
- Cloudinary: (You can create your cloudinary account here)
CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME = "<Your cloudinary cloud name>"
CLOUDINARY_API_KEY = "<Your cloudinary API Key>"
CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET = "<Your cloudinary API Secret>"
Create another
file in the React proj-root-dir (MeetMusic/client/) with the following field:REACT_APP_BASE_URL = "<Your Base Url Path>"
npm run dev
on the root-dir -
The app will run at http://localhost:3000