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Symfony 4 skeleton with Vue, Vuex, Vue-router and Webpack

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Symfony 4 skeleton with Vue, Vuex, Vue-router and Webpack (and more!)

What's included

-Symfony 4.1.0 skeleton

-Docker-compose development environment

-Redis cache

-Twig, Annotations, Webserver and Maker bundles

-Encore webpack with VueLoader and SassLoader configured

-Vue, Vuex and Vue-Router

-Axios is prototyped as $http variable

Using this boilerplate

Clone this repository

$ git clone 

Install composer and node dependencies

$ composer install
$ yarn install #recommended
$ npm install

Compile js and css files

$ ./node_modules/.bin/encore dev 

Execute built in Symfony web server

$ php bin/console server:run

It will start a server accessible at http://localhost:8080


$ docker-compose up

Server will be accessible at http://localhost:8888 and Redis caché will be available

Vue development

Vue files are located at /assets/js folder. Just modify these files as a regular Vue project.

I suggest you using hot-reload encore server. When a file is updated webpack will be launched automatically. Start it with this command

$ ./node_modules/.bin/encore dev --watch

Files app.js and app.css will be compiled at /public/build folder.

Default controller contains just one root route that renders this necessary files.

SassLoader is activated, so all changes on /assets/js/app.scss will be compiled too.

Axios are prototyped as $http. This service will be available at the whole Vue app.

Vuex and Vue-router are included too. Be free to add as routes and stores as you want.


April 2019 - Although encore server worked well with spread operator (...) while development, if you tried to build a production compilation it did not work. I have updated @symfony/webpack-encore package in order to get this working without the use of babel plugins. I also updated the assets folder skeleton to have a page oriented structure.

October 2019 - Added docker-compose file and resources to build images able to work in this environment. Added a redis cache POF. This component should be mandatory in all project developed in this century, because never was easier implementing such enhancement.