Here's some configuration and stuff I use… for now.
My Neovim config is fully custom (i.e. no longer running the LazyVim distro) and based on kickstart.nvim. I've moved it over to its own repository at iainsimmons/nvim-config.
I'm also using yazi as my file explorer (also in Neovim via mikavilpas/yazi.nvim).
I'm also giving the tide prompt a shot (previously used Starship, which could probably be configured the same). It has a nice CLI configuration flow, but otherwise loosely based on powerlevel10k.
It's been a little strange at times, so I might switch back to something simpler with Starship.
Started using stow following this guide and based on recommendations from people in Josh Medeski's Discord.
Switched to using base16 for theming
See gallery.
Current/favourite theme is base16-vice
Otherwise base16-tokyo-night-dark
or base16-tokyo-night-storm
for presenting to colleagues.
Switched to using Josh Medeski's sesh for managing tmux sessions instead of my fork of his old t - smart tmux session manager.
This means I'm using a tmux session and multiple windows per git repo instead of a new window in the one session and multiple panes per repo.
Updated run
script to use fzf to select a script to run. Based on David Sancho's script and Josh Medeski's d script
Switched to wallpaper backgrounds in WezTerm and transparency in Neovim. Mostly using synthwave/cyberpunk/neon style backgrounds.
Also ported some of the colours from the fluoromachine.nvim theme to WezTerm and tmux to get things more consistent.
Switched from Alacritty to WezTerm. Really loving the Lua configuration, though I definitely still prefer tmux for multiplexing.
Got sick of trying to manually copy over dotfiles, so now I'm following this method: Managing my dotfiles as a git repository . We'll see how it goes!
Also trying out direnv as recommended by a colleague. Very handy!
Switched from VS Code to Alacritty, Neovim, and tmux over the holiday break, and I'm loving it so far!