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~/.tmux.conf bind '#' split-window -h bind '@' split-window -v bind ')' kill-pane #unbind '"'
#unbind %
bind r source-file ~/.tmux.conf ; display-message "source-file reloaded"


  • // Place your key bindings in this file to override the defaults Code->Preference->Keyboard Shortcuts->First Icon on the top right corner. // Place your key bindings in this file to override the defaults [ { "key": "cmd y", "command": "redo", "when": "textInputFocus && !editorReadonly" }, { "key": "shift alt 5", "command": "editor.action.startFindReplaceAction" }, { "key": "shift alt 5", "command": "-editor.action.startFindReplaceAction", "when": "editorFocus && !config.emacs-mcx.useMetaPrefixMacCmd" }, { "key": "shift cmd 5", "command": "editor.action.startFindReplaceAction" }, { "key": "shift cmd 5", "command": "-editor.action.startFindReplaceAction", "when": "config.emacs-mcx.useMetaPrefixMacCmd && editorFocus" }, { "key": "escape shift 5", "command": "editor.action.startFindReplaceAction" }, { "key": "escape shift 5", "command": "-editor.action.startFindReplaceAction", "when": "config.emacs-mcx.useMetaPrefixEscape && editorFocus" }, { "key": "right", "command": "-emacs-mcx.executeCommands", "when": "editorFocus && findWidgetVisible" }, { "key": "left", "command": "-emacs-mcx.executeCommands", "when": "editorFocus && findWidgetVisible" }, { "key": "up", "command": "-emacs-mcx.executeCommands", "when": "editorFocus && findWidgetVisible" }, { "key": "down", "command": "-emacs-mcx.executeCommands", "when": "editorFocus && findWidgetVisible" }, { "key": "ctrl f", "command": "-emacs-mcx.executeCommands", "when": "editorFocus && findWidgetVisible" }, { "key": "ctrl b", "command": "-emacs-mcx.executeCommands", "when": "editorFocus && findWidgetVisible" }, { "key": "ctrl p", "command": "-emacs-mcx.executeCommands", "when": "editorFocus && findWidgetVisible" }, { "key": "ctrl n", "command": "-emacs-mcx.executeCommands", "when": "editorFocus && findWidgetVisible" }, { "key": "ctrl a", "command": "-emacs-mcx.executeCommands", "when": "editorFocus && findWidgetVisible" }, { "key": "ctrl e", "command": "-emacs-mcx.executeCommands", "when": "editorFocus && findWidgetVisible" }



  • Keybord (Shortcuts can also be found in application menus):

    • Modify Keys: Swith ^control and ⌥alt/option

    • General:

      • ⌘ space: Spotlight
      • ^ ⌥ space: Input Method
      • ^ ⌘ D: Turn Dock On/Off
    • Mission Control/Workspaces

      • ⌘ ↑: Mission Control
      • ⌘ ↓: Application windows/current window
      • ⌘ ←: Switch to left workspace
      • ⌘ →: Switch to right workspace
      • ⌘ D: Show Desktop
    • Zoom In/Out

      • ^ ⌘ 0: Zoom On/Off
      • ^ ⌘ -: Zoom Out
      • ^ ⌘ : Zoom In
    • Screenshot

      • ^ ⌘ ⇧ 1: Save screen as a file
      • ^ ⌘ 1: Copy screen to clipboard
      • ^ ⌘ ⇧ 3: Save area as a file
      • ^ ⌘ 3: Copy area to clipboard
      • ^ ⌘ ⇧ 5: Show screenshot options
    • Window (Bold is the Menu Title when adding App Shortcuts)

      • ⌘ M: Minimize
      • ^ ⌘ M: Zoom/Maximize
      • ^ ⌘ F: Enter/Exit Full Screen
      • ⌘ W: Close Window
      • ⌘ Q: Close App
      • ⌥ ⌘ ←: Move Window to Left Side of Screen (Index finger on ⌘, middle finger null, ring finger on ⌥)
        • ^ ⌥ ⌘ ←: Google Chrome or Brave Browser because they used the default to switch tabs
          • When adding App Shortcuts, choose the application of Google Chrome Or Brave Browser
      • ⌥ ⌘ →: Move Window to Right Side of Screen (Index finger on ⌘, middle finger null, ring finger on ⌥)
        • ^ ⌥ ⌘ →: Google Chrome or Brave Browser because they used the default to switch tabs
          • When adding App Shortcuts, choose the application of Google Chrome Or Brave Browser
      • ⌥ ⌘ ⇧ ←: Tile Window to Left of Screen (Index finger on ⌘, middle finger null, ring finger on ⌥)
      • ⌥ ⌘ ⇧ →: Tile Window to Right of Screen (Index finger on ⌘, middle finger null, ring finger on ⌥)
    • System

      • ⌘ L: Lock Screen (Origin is ⌘ ^ Q; Changing by adding "App Shortcuts" titled "Lock Screen")
  • Terminal:

    • Preference: Use Option as Meta Key
  • iTerm2

    • ⌘ ⇧ 2: Split Horizontally with Current Profile
    • ⌘ ⇧ 3: Split Vertically with Current Profile

Elementary OS

  • Keybord (Mostly same with Mac OS, except ^ ⌘ is now ⌘ ⌥):
    • General:
      • ⌘ space: Applications Munu
      • ^ ⌥ space: Input Method
    • Workspaces
      • ⌘ ↑: Mission Control
      • ⌘ ↓: Application windows/current window
      • ⌘ ←: Switch to left workspace
      • ⌘ →: Switch to right workspace
      • ⌘ ⌥ →:
      • ⌘ D: Show Desktop
    • Zoom In/Out
      • ⌘ ⌥ -: Zoom Out
      • ⌘ ⌥ : Zoom In
    • Screenshot
      • ⌘ ⌥ ⇧ 1: Save screen as a file
      • ⌘ ⌥ 1: Copy screen to clipboard
      • ⌘ ⌥ ⇧ 2: Save window as a file
      • ⌘ ⌥ 2: Copy window to clipboard
      • ⌘ ⌥ ⇧ 3: Save area as a file
      • ⌘ ⌥ 3: Copy area to clipboard
    • Windows
      • ⌘ M: Minimize
      • ⌘ ⌥ M: Toggle Maximized (Toggle means On/Off)
      • ⌘ ⌥ F: Toggle Fullscreen
      • ⌘ W: Close Window
      • ⌘ Q: Close App
      • ^ ⌘ ←: Move Window to Left Side of Screen
      • ^ ⌘ →: Move Window to Right Side of Screen
    • System
      • ⌘ L: Lock Screen

Windows 10

  • Keyboard
    • General:

      • ⊞ space: Input Method
    • Workspaces

      • ⊞ ↹: All workspaces
      • ^ ⊞ ←: Switch to left workspace
      • ^ ⊞ →: Switch to right workspace
      • ^ ⊞ D: Create a new workspace (Contrary to MacOS)
      • ^ ⊞ F4: Close the current workspace (Contrary to MacOS)
    • Zoom In/Out

      • ⊞ -: Zoom Out
      • ⊞ : Zoom In
    • Screenshot

      • ⊞ ⇧ S: screenshot tool
    • Windows

      • ⊞ ↑: Maximize
      • ⊞ ↓: Minimize
      • ⊞ ←: Move Window to Left Side of Screen (Contrary to MacOS)
      • ⊞ →: Move Window to Right Side of Screen (Contrary to MacOS)
      • ⊞ M: Minimize windows
      • ⊞ ⇧ M: Restore minimized windows
      • Alt F4: Close Window
    • System

      • ⊞ L: Lock Screen

Windows 10

  • Activation: [email protected]; Office 365: [email protected]
  • Dual Boot: Easy BCD (not necessary because Linux grub is good enough: just do sudo update-grub)
    1. Add a new entry
    2. Advanced Settings: Changed Linux driver to Boot After installation of Linux
    • Not working because it is ubuntu: bcdedit /set "{bootmgr}" path \EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi
  • Powershell
    • Download latest powershell
  • Emacs
    • Download file; unzip; and copy the content to Program Files
    • Search "Environment Variables" on Windows Search and add a new path entry C:\Program Files\emacs-26.3-x86_64\bin\

Elementary OS

  • Dual Boot:
    • boot-repair fixes everything and can be used on live usb:

    • sudo update-grub: fix broken ones

    • Optional: grub-customizer (add ppa) Installing Linux after Windows

    • Disks

      • 3 paritions
        1. / primary partition like /dev/sda1 (sda1-sda4 for primary paritions)
        2. /home home partition like /dev/sda5 (starting from sda5, logical partitions)
        3. swap area like /dev/sda6. RAM size (/dev/sda1: dev -> device; sda1 -> s device (SCSI and also h device), a (first devie), 1-4 primary partitions
  • Deb packags:
    • sudo dpkg -i xxx.deb
    • install gdebi from app store
      • sudo gdebi google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
  • Emacs


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