Eye-in-Hand Calibration Using Tsai-Lenz Method with TM Robotic Arm and Realsense D435
This project implements an eye-in-hand calibration system using a TM Robotic Arm and the RGB-D depth camera Realsense D435. The Tsai-Lenz method is employed to perform hand-eye calibration, which aligns the robot's coordinate system with the camera's coordinate system.
Python 3.8.10
Our requirements in requirements.txt
- Ubuntu 20.04
First, start ROS and connect to the TM robotic arm:
$ rosrun tm_driver tm_driver <robot_ip_address>
Next, connect the Realsense D435:
$ roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch
Finally, run the hand-eye calibration program:
$ python main.py