Leetcode blind 75 questions in Java with explanations and notes. OK maybe going on 150. Also a bunch of terrible Hackerrank questions and solutions.
🎓🎓🎓 Leetcode solution in Java - 536/921 Solved.
Многопоточное программирование на Java. Теория и практика (2023)
Coding playground for preparation to Java interview
Вопросы и ответы к интервью Java разработчика
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Web app to find the path of an item in a JSON object
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JODConverter automates document conversions using LibreOffice or Apache OpenOffice.
Useful program to convert a Word (.docx) file into a pdf file using the dependencies of document4j
A standalone Java library/command line tool that converts DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX and ODT documents to PDF files.
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