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Indexing and querying layer for LMDB and flatbuffers


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RasgueaDB is an indexing and query layer for LMDB and flatbuffers. It uses templates to generate a C header file according to your schema, which is specified as YAML. This compiled header file provides a framework for inserting, updating, and deleting records. Additionally, it supports indexing the records, and will maintain the indices whenever you perform modifications.

Because records are stored as flatbuffers inside LMDB, accessing fields results in std::string_views that point into the LMDB memory map. Fields that you don't access are never even parsed or loaded, and the ones you do are provided as zero-copy references. Even for relatively small values that don't benefit from the zero-copy itself, an often overlooked benefit is that there are no memory allocations required to read a record.

Querying and iteration is simple but flexible. When looping over records you provide lambda callbacks. These callbacks, the wrapper code, and all database access reside in the same compilation unit, which allows the compiler to optimise it extensively.


Here is a simple example schema:

db: example

      - name: userName
        type: string
          unique: true
      - name: passwordHash
        type: ubytes
      - name: created
        index: true
        ## default type is uint64
  • The db field is a name for your database. It will be used for namespacing in the generated files and the database table names.
  • For now there are 3 field types supported:
    • uint64: Unsigned 64-bit integer. This is the default when no type is specified.
    • string: Arbitrary byte-string.
    • ubytes: Identical to string, except for how it is displayed when debugging.

After compiling the schema, here is an example program that shows how to use the generated header:

#include <iostream>
#include "build/example.h"

int main() {
    example::environment env;"/path/to/db/");

    // Populate a record

        auto txn = env.txn_rw();
        env.insert_User(txn, "john", "\x01\x02\x03", 1000);

    // Query a record via the userName index

        auto txn = env.txn_ro();
        auto view = env.lookup_User__userName(txn, "john");
        if (!view) return -1; // not found
        std::cout << view->userName() << std::endl;

    // Loop over all records

        auto txn = env.txn_ro();
        env.foreach_User(txn, [&](auto &view){
            std::cout << view.userName() << std::endl;
            return true; // keep looping

    return 0;


Insert a new record:

env.insert_User(txn, "john", "\x01\x02\x03", 1000);

This must be done inside a read-write transaction (this is also the case for updates and deletions).

After the txn transaction handle, the following arguments correspond to the fields defined for this table in your schema.

This call can throw an exception if a unique constraint is violated (see below).

Primary keys

Every record has a primary key of type uint64. By default these are autogenerated when a record is inserted, starting with id 1. The primary key of 0 is invalid.

Instead of using the auto-generated ids, you can specify a field to use as the primary key instead. This field must be of type uint64:

    primaryKey: userId

      - name: userId
      - name: street
        type: string
      - name: city
        type: string

Choosing an alternative primary key is useful for "may-have-a" relationships between tables, and to ensure that these sub-tables have the same ordering as their primary tables.

By referencing another table's primary keys, you can implement foreign-key relationships, although currently this is not enforced.

Lookup by primary key

Here is how to lookup the record with a primary key of 2:

auto view = env.lookup_User(txn, 2);

view is of type std::optional<View_User>. If the record was not found, then this will be std::nullopt. Otherwise, it is a "pointer" to a View_User object which provides accessors for each field, and the primary key for the record:

if (view) {
    std::string_view userName = view->userName();
    uint64_t primaryKey = view->primaryKey;
} else {
    // not found


Update a record (C 20 syntax):

env.update_User(txn, view, { .userName = "new username", });

When you update, all the indices will be updated as well.

If you use the C 20 way with designated initialisers then the fields must be in the same order as they are defined in the schema otherwise you will get a compile-time error. If you don't want to use designated initialisers, you can do it like this:

example::environment::Updates_User upd;
upd.username = "new username";
env.update_User(txn, view, upd);

As with insert, an update can fail with an exception if it causes a unique constraint to be violated.


To delete a record, you need its primary key, which you can retrieve from a view:

env.delete_User(txn, view->primaryKeyId);


By default, multiple records can have duplicate values for an indexed field, and in the index these duplicates are sorted by primary key.

If you wish to prevent this, then a unique modifier can be specified on an index:

      - name: userName
        type: string
          unique: true

When you insert or update a record it will check that no other records have the same value for this index. If there are, then exception will be thrown.

Lookup by index

If a field is indexed, then you can lookup a record like this:

auto view = env.lookup_User__userName(txn, "alice");

Note: The table name is separated from the index name by two underscores.

If there are multiple records with the same value, then it will return the first one it finds.

Iteration over table

To iterate over a whole table:

env.foreach_User(txn, [&](auto &view){
    // ...
    return true;

Your callback must return a bool which indicates whether the looping should continue. By returning false early you can implement LIMIT-like functionality. Note: If you forget the return true you'll get a inscrutable compile-time error.

The records will be iterated over in order of their primary keys.

Iteration over index

This iterates over all the entries in an index. In this case, it will be the same as the previous example, except the records will be sorted by userName:

env.foreach_User__userName(txn, [&](auto &view){
    // ...
    return true;

There is an optional boolean parameter reverse, which signifies the index should be iterated over in reverse order:

env.foreach_User__userName(txn, [&](auto &view){
    // ...
    return true;
}, true);

Instead of starting at the beginning (or end, if reversing), to start at a particular record you can pass this in as the next optional parameter, start:

env.foreach_User__userName(txn, [&](auto &view){
    // ...
    return true;
}, false, "bob");

This will start the iteration at bob (skipping over all records with userName lexically preceeding bob). If a record with bob is not present, it will start the iteration at the first existing record lexically following bob. In the reversing case, if a starting record does not exist, the iteration will begin with the first existing record lexically preceeding your specified start.

The combination of starting records and the "continue looping" boolean returned from your callback allows you to perform perform range-queries and pagination.

Iteration over dup records

Unless an index is marked unique, there can be multiple records with the same indexed value. Here is how to loop over all records that have a particular indexed value (1001 here):

env.foreachDup_User__created(txn, 1001, [&](auto &view){
    // ...
    return true;

Similar to iteration over and index, reverse and start parameters are accepted:

env.foreachDup_User__created(txn, 1001, [&](auto &view){
    // ...
    return true;
}, reverse, start);

start corresponds to the primary key of the record you would like to start with (which is always of type uint64).

There is also a count optional parameter. If passed, it should be a pointer to a uint64_t. After the iteration is done, the total number of dups will be stored in this variable (even if you stop looping prematurely).

uint64_t total;

env.foreachDup_User__created(txn, 1001, [&](auto &view){
    // ...
    return true;
}, reverse, start, &total);

The count parameter is useful for implementing pagination. When retrieving the first page of results, you can also get the total number of results. This is slightly more efficient than computing it separately because in order to iterate you've already positioned the cursor to these dups.

Derived indices

Although you can make a particular field indexed by adding an index key to the field, you can also have indices that don't directly correspond to fields. The indexed values can be created with arbitrary C code by including an indexPrelude and then a set of indices to add.

As an example, here is definition of a table that maintains indices of its two fields in lower-case:

      - name: fullName
        type: string
      - name: email
        type: string

    indexPrelude: |
      fullNameLC = std::string(v.fullName());
      emailLC = std::string(;
      std::transform(fullNameLC.begin(), fullNameLC.end(), fullNameLC.begin(), ::tolower);
      std::transform(emailLC.begin(), emailLC.end(), emailLC.begin(), ::tolower);

      fullNameLC: true
        unique: true

Now records can be queried using the index without worrying about casing, but the original user's chosen casing is preserved.

Note that the emailLC index is also unique. This will prevent duplicated records from being inserted, even if the casing is different.

IMPORTANT: When deriving index values, given the same view (accessible as v) you must always compute the exact same index values, otherwise your database will become corrupted. It is recommended to only use data from v to compute the values (and nothing else).


A multi modifier can also be added to an index definition. This is for when a record should get multiple entries in the same index.

The test-suite has an example where a words field is split up into individual words and each is added to a multi-index. This way you can query for all records that contain a particular word somewhere in their words field.

Composite Keys

There is limited support for composite index keys. To use it, you must specify a custom comparator in the schema, and then create your index keys with a special function, like so:

    comparator: StringUint64

indexPrelude: |
  descByCreated = makeKey_StringUint64(v.desc(), v.created());

When iterating over the index, the index key can be accessed and parsed like so:

env.foreach_MyTable__descByCreated(txn, [&](auto &view, std::string_view indexKey){
    ParsedKey_StringUint64 parsedKey(indexKey);
    // use parsedKey.s and parsedKey.n

Opaque Tables

Tables marked as opaque do not have flatbuffers tables created for them. Instead, RasgueaDB considers their contents opaque string blobs. In order to index these tables, you must parse out the indexable fields yourself.

  opaque: true

    someStr: true

  indexPrelude: |
    if (v.buf.size() >= 2) someStr = std::string(v.buf.substr(0,2));

Raw Tables

The section tablesRaw can be used to add DBIs that will be created when instantiating the LMDB environment, but otherwise are untouched by RasgueaDB. By default they only have the MDB_CREATE flag, so if you want any other flags you need to provide them in flags:

    flags: 'MDB_INTEGERKEY'

In your application code, the DBI will be available at env.dbi_MyRawTable.

Author and Copyright

RasgueaDB © 2021-2023 Doug Hoyte.

MIT license. See the LICENSE file.


Indexing and querying layer for LMDB and flatbuffers







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