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Custom Cangjie IME in Windows

binder-badge mit

A utility to customize the DIME CangJie(倉頡) IME in Windows.

See my blog for the motivation of this project.


Build your own IME character set, such that you may define / amend:

  • the exact characters in your CangJie IME character set
  • the order of output candidates when more then one character matches the input
  • custom characters that not exist in official character sets
  • the input code of characters

Technical Details

🔗 source code


  • common.txt ~4800 commonly used chars from 常用國字標準字體表
  • lessCommon.txt ~6300 less common chars from 次常用國字標準字體表
  • char_rank.txt ranked chars from Taiwan Ministry of Education 字頻表排序
  • add_on_char.txt your custom add-on chars, eg. 粵語用字
  • char_db.csv cangjie input of all chars
  • duplicated_code.txt rare chars having same input code with others, to be removed from the final character list
  • create_code.ipynb program that create the character list used in DIME input method
  • dime_cangjie.txt final character list to be imported to DIME


python = "^3.9"
jupyter = "^1.0.0"


  • run online with binder binder-badge


  • install the above python packages
  • run create_code.ipynb to generate the character set, say in VSCode
  • import the generated dime_cangjie.txt to DIME
  • enjoy your custom made Cangjie IME 🎉


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