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Simple utitlity commands for the ElfOs


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A set of simple utility commands for the Elf/OS. These commands were all assembled into 1802 binary files using the Asm/02 1802 Assembler by Mike Riley.

XSB and XRB Utilities

If you are looking for the latest version of the XSB utility, it can be found here. If you are looking for the updated version of the XRB utility, it can be found here.


These commands were written to run on a Pico/Elf with the Spare Time Gizmos STG RTC/NVR/UART expansion card and the STG Pico/Elf EPROM v1.120 written by Bob Armstrong. These commands have also been tested on the 1802-Mini by David Madole. A lot of information and software for the Pico/Elf and the 1802-Mini can be found on the Elf-Emulation website and in the COSMAC ELF Group at

Elf/OS File Utility Commands


Usage: cmd [-e] [filename, default = start.cmd]
Run commands from the file filename, or the file start.cmd if not specified. Each line of the file contains a separate command. The option -e will echo the commands before they are executed.

Note: To use cmd as the ELf/OS init program, copy this file as an executable file named init in the /bin directory. Elf/OS will then execute the commands contained in the start.cmd file in the root / directory when the Elf/OS boots. Press and hold Input /EF4 to skip the execution of start.cmd and auto-baud during boot-up.

Note: The cmd program occupies memory from $5000 to $6000. Programs up to 12K in size that load at $2000 can be run from a command file. If a program allocates memory so that the heap goes below $6000, the command interpreter will exit with an 'Out of Memory' error.


Usage: flags filename
Show the Elf/OS flags associated with the file. Display 'd' for a directory file, 'x' for an executable file, 'h' for a hidden file and 'w' for write-protected file. If a flag is not set, then a dot '.' is displayed instead. The string '. . . .' means no flags are set for the file.


Usage: header filename
Show the executable header information for a file to display the program load address, program size and the program execution address.


Usage: scpy [-y] source dest
Safely copy the file from source to the destination file dest. The scpy command does not over-write directories and will prompt before over-writing an existing destination file. The -y option will over-write an existing file without the prompt. Copy or rename 'scpy' to 'copy' to replace default Elf/OS command in the /bin directory.
Obsolete: The Elf/OS version 5 copy command now supports this function.


Usage: swap [-0|-1|-2|-3|-4, default = -4]
Display the prompt Change disk and press Input to boot new disk... and wait for Input to reboot the system and load Elf/OS from the new disk. The options -1,-2,-3 or -4 will wait for input on the /EFn line. The option -0 will wait for serial input. The default is to wait for Input on /EF4.


Usage: xrb filename
XModem Receive command that uses the hardware UART from am expansion card instead of the bit banged serial routines to receive the file named filename. This command is an updated version of the XModem receive command that uses the Elf/OS Kernel API, to be compatible with Elf/OS UART drivers such as the Elf/OS Studio 1854 UART driver. Xrb can be used to receive binary files from another computer to the Pico/Elf via the STG NVR/RTC/UART expansion card's UART serial interface, or from another computer to the 1802-Mini via the 1854 Serial card's UART serial or FTDI interface.
Obsolete: The Elf/OS version 5 xr command now supports the hardware UART.


Usage: xsb filename
XModem Send command that uses the hardware UART from am expansion card instead of the bit banged serial routines to send the file named filename. This command is the compliment to the xrb XModem receive command, and can be used to send binary files from the Pico/Elf to another computer via the STG NVR/RTC/UART expansion card's UART serial interface, or from the 1802-Mini to another computer via the 1854 Serial card's UART serial or FTDI interface. Xsb uses Elf/OS Kernel API and is compatible with Elf/OS UART drivers such as the Elf/OS Studio driver.


Usage: xtrim filename, where filename is an executable file.
Trim the executable file filename to the runtime size in its header, and save with the .tr extension. Useful to remove padding bytes added by an XMODEM transfer


Usage: xtrunc filename
Check the file filename for padding bytes added by XModem to increase the file size to a whole multiple of 128 bytes. Truncate the file to remove the padding bytes. Useful to remove padding bytes added by an XMODEM transfer

Elf/OS System Utility Commands


Usage: int [-d|-e]
Display the interrupt status and value of the IE flag. The option -d will disable interrupts by setting the IE flag false. The option -e will enable interrupts by setting the IE flag true.


Usage: malloc [-f hh] size
Allocate a block of memory of size bytes on the heap. The -f option will fill the memory with the hh hex byte value. Useful for testing low memory conditions.


Usage: mfree hhhh
Free a block of memory allocated at the hex address hhhh on the heap.


Usage: req
Reset Q. This command turns the Q bit off. (Q = 0)


Usage: seq
Set Q. This command turns the Q bit on. (Q = 1)


Usage: stack
Print the value of the Elf/OS stack pointer.

Elf/OS I/O Utility Commands


Usage: about
Show information about the current drive. Write the contents of the file /cfg/about.nfo to the output to show information about the disk in the current drive.


Usage: clr
Clear the screen. Clears both ANSI and non-ANSI displays. Copy or rename to 'cls' to replace default Elf/OS command in the /bin directory.
Obsolete: The Elf/OS version 5 cls command now supports this function.


Usage: drive
Write the current drive number to the output.


Usage: input
Input and display data read from Port 4


Usage: output hh
Send the hex value hh out to Port 4 (where hh ranges in value from 00 to FF)


Usage: nop
No Operation, a simple program that does nothing. Can be copied or renamed to 'rem' in the /bin directory and used for comments in command files


Usage: pause [-0|-1|-2|-3|-4, default = -4]
Display a prompt Press Input to continue... and wait for Input to return. The options -1,-2,-3 or -4 will wait for input on the /EFn line. The option -0 will wait for serial input. The default is to wait for Input on /EF4.


Usage: pwd
Print Working Directory, write the current directory to the output.


Usage: say text
Print the string text to the output. Useful for printing text output in command files


Usage: up
Move up to the Parent Directory, write the new current directory to the output.
Obsolete: The ELf/OS version 5 chdir command now supports this function.

STG EPROM Utility Commands


Usage: stg
Jump to the STG Pico/Elf EPROM menu. This command is the same as Exec 8003. Use CALL 0303 to execute a Warm Boot to return to the Elf/OS from the EPROM menu.


Usage: visualstg
Run Visual02 from the STG Pico/Elf EPROM code. This command replaces the Elf/OS visual02 command to correctly invoke the visual02 code in the STG Pico/Elf EPROM. Rename or copy to visual02 in the /bin directory to replace the original command.

1861 Pixie Video Demo and Utility Commands


Usage: spaceship (Press Input /EF4 to exit program.)
Joseph A Weisbecker's Pixie Graphic Demo program modified to run under Elf/OS.


Usage: dma_test (Press Input /EF4 to exit program.)
Tom Pittman's Video DMA program modified to run under Elf/OS.


Usage: tvclock (Press Input /EF4 to exit program.)
Tom Pittman's TV Clock program modified to run under Elf/OS.


Usage: voff
Video Off. Output Port 1 and Disable interrupts. This command is useful when debugging or writing pixie video programs to turn off a 1861 video display.

Library Files

The command files are grouped into three Elf/OS library files that can be unpacked with the Elf/OS lbr command using the e option to extract files.

  • file_utils.lbr - Library file for Elf/OS file utilities containing the cmd, flags, header, scpy, swap, xrb, xsb, xtrim and xtrunc commands. Extract these files with the Elf/OS command lbr e file_utils
  • sys_utils.lbr - Library file for Elf/OS system utilities containing the int, malloc, mfree, req, seq and stack commands. Extract these files with the Elf/OS command lbr e sys_utils
  • io_utils.lbr - Library file for Elf/OS I/O utilities containing the about, clr, drive, input, nop, output, pause, pwd, say and up commands. Extract these files with the Elf/OS command lbr e io_utils
  • pixie_utils.lbr - Library file for ELf/OS 1861 Pixie Video utilities contains the spaceship, dma_test, tvclock and voff commands. Extract these files with the Elf/OS command lbr e pixie_utils
  • stg_utils.lbr - Library file for the STG EPROM utilities containing the stg and videostg commands. Extract these files with the Elf/OS command lbr e stg_utils

Help Files

The utils.lbr file provides help information for the Elf/OS utilities. Although this file has the same format as an Elf/OS library, do not use the lbr command to unpack it. Instead copy this file, as is, into the /hlp directory with the other help libraries. The help command will extract information from this file.

The help information for an individual command can be displayed by typing help utils:name, where name is the name of the utility command. For example to show the help information for cmd, type in help utils:cmd.

The command help utils: (note that it ends with a colon) will list all the utility programs with help information.

Other documentation

The website was a great source of Elf/OS documentation maintained by Mike Riley. There is a zip file archive of this website available here in the docs subfolder. One can unzip this archive locally and access the documentation, binaries and other information using a web browser to view the files. The main homepage is the file index.html and all other files and sections are available through that homepage.

Repository Contents

  • /src/ -- Common source files for assembling Elf/OS utilities.
    • asm.bat - Windows batch file to assemble source file with Asm/02 to create binary file. Use the command asm xxx.asm to assemble the xxx.asm file.
    • - Opcode definitions for Asm/02.
    • - Bios definitions from Elf/OS
    • - Kernel definitions from Elf/OS
  • /src/file/ -- Source files for Elf/OS file utilities.
    • cmd.asm - Run commands from a file.
    • flags.asm - Show Elf/OS flags associated with a file.
    • header.asm - Show the executable header information for a file.
    • scpy.asm - Safely copy a file.
    • swap.asm - Display a prompt to change disk and wait for input to boot new disk.
    • xrb.asm - XMODEM Receive using the hardware UART and Elf/OS Kernel API.
    • xsb.asm - XMODEM Send using the hardware UART and Elf/OS Kernel API.
    • xtrim.asm - Trim an executable file to its runtime size.
    • xtrunc.asm - Truncate a file to remove any XModem padding bytes.
  • /src/io/ -- Source files for Elf/OS I/O utilities.
    • about.asm - Show information about the current drive
    • clr.asm - Clear the screen
    • drive.asm - Print the current drive number
    • input.asm - Input and display data read from Port 4
    • nop.asm - No Operation - simple program that does nothing
    • output.asm - Output hh - send the hex value 'hh' out to Port 4
    • pause.asm - Display a prompt and wait for input
    • pwd.asm - Print Working Directory - prints the current directory
    • say.asm - Say 'text' - write the text string back to the output
    • up.asm - Move Up to the parent directory
  • /src/pixie/ -- Source files for 1861 Pixie Video utilities and demo programs
    • spaceship - Joseph A Weisbecker's Pixie Graphic Demo program (Press Input /EF4 to exit)
    • dma_test -Tom Pittman's Video DMA program (Press Input /EF4 to exit)
    • tvclock - Tom Pittman's TV Clock Demo program (Press Input /EF4 to exit)
    • voff - Turn 1861 Pixie Video Off (OUT 1 and disable interrupts)
  • /src/stg/ -- Source files for STG NVR/RTC/UART and STG EPROM utilities.
    • stg.asm - jump to the STG EPROM menu
    • visualstg.asm - Run Visual02 from the STG EPROM code (replaces visual02 command)
  • /src/sys/ -- Source files for Elf/OS system utilities.
    • int.asm - Display interrupt status
    • malloc.asm - Allocate block of memory on the heap.
    • mfree.asm - Free a block of memory on the heap.
    • req.asm - Reset Q. (The Q bit is available when using the STG Expansion card UART)
    • seq.asm - Set Q. (The Q bit is available when using the STG Expansion card UART)
    • stack.asm - Print the value of the Elf/OS stack pointer
  • /bin/file/ -- Binary files for Elf/OS file utilities.
  • /bin/io/ -- Binary files for Elf/OS I/O utilities.
  • /bin/stg/ -- Binary files for STG EPROM utilities.
  • /bin/sys/ -- Binary files for Elf/OS System utilities.
  • /bin/pixie/ -- Binary files for 1861 Pixie Video utilities and demo programs
  • /lbr/ -- Library files for Elf/OS utilities. (Unpack with Elf/OS lbr command)
    • file_utils.lbr - Library file for Elf/OS file utilities.
    • io_utils.lbr - Library file for Elf/OS I/O utilities.
    • pixie_utils.lbr - Library file for ELf/OS 1861 Pixie Video utilities.
    • stg_utils.lbr - Library file for STG EPROM utilities.
    • sys_utils.lbr - Library file for Elf/OS system utilities.
  • /hlp/ -- Help file for Elf/OS utilities. (Used with Elf/OS help command)
    • utils.lbr - Help file for Elf/OS file utilities. (Do not unpack with lbr, instead copy into /hlp directory.)
  • /docs/ -- Other Elf/OS documentation.
    • - Zip archive file for website.

License Information

This code is public domain under the MIT License, but please buy me a beverage if you use this and we meet someday (Beerware).

References to any products, programs or services do not imply that they will be available in all countries in which their respective owner operates.

Any company, product, or services names may be trademarks or services marks of others.

All libraries used in this code are copyright their respective authors.

This code is based on a Elf/OS code libraries written by Mike Riley and assembled with the Asm/02 assembler also written by Mike Riley.

Elf/OS Copyright (c) 2004-2024 by Mike Riley

Asm/02 1802 Assembler Copyright (c) 2004-2024 by Mike Riley

Elf/OS Init Program Copyright (c) 2024 by David Madole

Elf/OS 1854 UART Studio Driver Program Copyright (c) 2021-2024 by David Madole

The Pico/Elf Microcomputer Hardware Copyright (c) 2020-2024 by Mike Riley

The STG Pico/Elf EPROM Copyright (c) 2004-2024 by Spare Time Gizmos.

STG NVR/RTC/UART Pico/Elf Expansion Card hardware Copyright (c) 2020-2024 by Spare Time Gizmos.

The 1802-Mini Microcomputer Hardware Copyright (c) 2020-2024 by David Madole

Many thanks to the original authors for making their designs and code available as open source.

This code, firmware, and software is released under the MIT License.

The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2024 by Gaston Williams

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



Simple utitlity commands for the ElfOs







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