A JUnit extension for asserting JDK Flight Recorder events
Testcontainers is a Java library that supports JUnit tests, providing lightweight, throwaway instances of common databases, Selenium web browsers, or anything else that can run in a Docker container.
A curated list of Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS), Event Sourcing, and Event Storming resources
This is the new home of the original DDD Sample app (previously hosted at
Installing Development environment on macOS
A shell script to set up a macOS laptop for web and mobile development.
A centralized place for the awesome work started by @mathiasbynens on .macos
Compare fresh `create-app` versions of Grails 3 and up, so you can see what changed between versions.
The GitLab CLI tool. Archived: now officially adopted by GitLab as the official CLI tool and maintained at See
thorehusfeldt / git-paa-dansk
Forked from bjorne/git-pa-svenskaGit på pæredansk
😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics
Create a merge request from command line in gitlab
macOS command line tool for developers – The ultimate tool to manage your Mac. It provides a huge set of command line commands that automatize the usage of your Mac.
Demo project is intended to demonstrate how to use Gatling performance testing tool.
Get a full fake REST API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds (seriously)
🍃 Create Elm apps with zero configuration
IntelliJ IDEA Plugin that helps generating Value classes
Master the command line, in one page