Greetings and welcome! 🌟 I am Hasmukh Mistry, A Senior Fullstack Software Engineer based in the heart of Gujarat, India. With a firm belief in continuous learning and growth, I take great pleasure in resolving bugs, creating new features, conducting code reviews, participating in pair programming, and providing guidance as a mentor. My journey spans from early coding to continuing to thrive in multinational environments, and I'm committed to contributing to both the field and fellow developers. I thrive in diverse teams and have embraced knowledge sharing, mentoring, and even writing on to give back to the community. I've polished my skills and grown professionally through experiences with industry leaders like Trivago and Metro Markets.
Here are some of my latest articles on Medium:
Here's what some of the people I've worked with have to say:
"Read Reference" - Gaëtan Priour, Engineering Manager (Ankorstore, Paris)
"Read Reference" - Jiawen Chen, Team Lead (Metro Markets GmbH, Germany)
"Read Reference" - Steffen Mueller, Tech Lead (trivago, Germany)
I'm always open to engaging discussions and exciting collaboration opportunities. Connect with me on LinkedIn or follow me on Twitter.
Thank you for visiting my profile! 🎉