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Cassandra client plugin

This plugin is a wrapper around cpp-driver.


Follow the instructions in our manual to add our package repository and then run the below command.


apt-get install halon-extras-cassandra


yum install halon-extras-cassandra


For the configuration schema, see cassandra-app.schema.json.


  - id: cassandra
      default_profile: cluster-1
        - id: cluster-1
            - cassandra-1
            - cassandra-2
          port: 9042
          connect_timeout: 5000
          request_timeout: 12000
          resolve_timeout: 2000
          connection_idle_timeout: 60
          connection_heartbeat_interval: 30
          tcp_keepalive: 60
          core_connections_per_host: 32
          num_threads_io: 1
          # username: username
          # password: password
          tls: false
          tls_verify_peer: false
          tls_verify_host: false

Exported classes

These classes needs to be imported from the extras://cassandra module path.

Cassandra([string $profile])

The Cassandra class is a cpp-driver wrapper class. On error an exception is thrown.

statement(string $query [, number $parameter_count]): CassandraStatement

Creates a new query statement. On error an exception is thrown.

batch(string $type): CassandraBatch

Creates a new batch statement with batch type "LOGGED", "UNLOGGED" or "COUNTER". On error an exception is thrown.


A query statement. This class cannot be instantiated and can only be returned from other functions.

paging_size(number $paging_size): this

Set the paging size. On error an exception is thrown.

has_more_pages(): boolean

Check if there are more pages. On error an exception is thrown.

execute(): array

Execute a query statement. On error an exception is thrown. See the table below for the data types mapping.

Cassandra HSL Comment
ascii string
text string
varchar string
bigint string
counter string
int number
smallint number
tinyint number
float number
double number
inet string
uuid string
timeuuid string
boolean boolean
timestamp string
date number
time string
duration array months (number), days (number), nanos (string)
blob string
varint string
decimal array varint (string), scale (number)
map array
list array
set array
tuple array
custom none Not supported
udt none Not supported

bind_bool(number $index, boolean $value): this

Binds a boolean to a query at the specified index. On error an exception is thrown.

bind_bytes(number $index, string $value): this

Binds a blob, varint or custom to a query at the specified index. On error an exception is thrown.

bind_double(number $index, number $value): this

Binds a double to a query at the specified index. On error an exception is thrown.

bind_float(number $index, number $value): this

Binds a float to a query at the specified index. On error an exception is thrown.

bind_int8(number $index, number $value): this

Binds a int8 to a query at the specified index. On error an exception is thrown.

bind_int16(number $index, number $value): this

Binds a int16 to a query at the specified index. On error an exception is thrown.

bind_int32(number $index, number $value): this

Binds a int32 to a query at the specified index. On error an exception is thrown.

bind_int64(number $index, string $value): this

Binds a int64 to a query at the specified index. On error an exception is thrown.

bind_uint32(number $index, number $value): this

Binds a uint32 to a query at the specified index. On error an exception is thrown.

bind_decimal(number $index, string $varint, number $scale): this

Binds a decimal to a query at the specified index. On error an exception is thrown.

bind_inet(number $index, string $value): this

Binds a inet to a query at the specified index. On error an exception is thrown.

bind_null(number $index): this

Binds a null to a query at the specified index. On error an exception is thrown.

bind_string(number $index, string $value): this

Binds a string to a query at the specified index. On error an exception is thrown.

bind_uuid(number $index, string $value): this

Binds a uuid to a query at the specified index. On error an exception is thrown.

bind_duration(number $index, number $months, number $days, string $nanos): this

Binds a duration to a query at the specified index. On error an exception is thrown.


A batch statement. This class cannot be instantiated and can only be returned from other functions.

statement(string $query [, number $parameter_count]): CassandraStatement

Creates a new query statement. On error an exception is thrown.

execute(): none

Execute a batch statement. On error an exception is thrown.


import { Cassandra } from "extras://cassandra";

// Create "Cassandra" instance with an (optional) config profile
$cassandra = Cassandra("cluster-1");

// "CREATE" query statement
$cassandra->statement("CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS foo WITH REPLICATION = {'class':'NetworkTopologyStrategy','datacenter1':2};")->execute();
$cassandra->statement("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS (id UUID PRIMARY KEY);")->execute();

// "INSERT" query statement with parameter binding
$statement = $cassandra->statement("INSERT INTO (id) VALUES (?);", 1);
$statement->bind_uuid(0, uuid());

// "SELECT" query statement
echo $cassandra->statement("SELECT * FROM;")->execute();

// "INSERT" batch statement
$batch = $cassandra->batch("LOGGED");
$statement = $batch->statement("INSERT INTO (id) VALUES (?);", 1);
$statement->bind_uuid(0, uuid());
$statement = $batch->statement("INSERT INTO (id) VALUES (?);", 1);
$statement->bind_uuid(0, uuid());
$statement = $batch->statement("INSERT INTO (id) VALUES (?);", 1);
$statement->bind_uuid(0, uuid());

// "SELECT" query statement with pagination
$rows = [];
$statement = $cassandra->statement("SELECT * FROM");
while ($statement->has_more_pages())
    $rows  = $statement->execute();
echo $rows;