Connect the sensor to an I2C bus on your board
Board SHT31
VCC <--------> VCC
SCL <--------> SCL
SDA <--------> SDA
GND <--------> GND
Make sure the power supply and logic levels match between the board and the sensor.
Copy this repository to the board and launch the services
For armhf:
docker-compose build --pull
docker-compose up
For arm64: First make the changes described in following files for arm64:
and do
docker-compose build --pull --build-arg IMAGE_ARCH=linux/arm64
docker-compose up
Docker compose will start a browser in kiosk mode and point it to the web page served by the flaskapp. The page contains two tabs; one for realtime chart and other for historical data chart.
This was tested on Apalis iMX6 Evaluation Board, using Apalis I2C1 (/dev/apalis-i2c1). Adjust docker-compose.yml to use the I2C bus for a particular module/familiy.