- Michigan, USA
- @greg7mdp
The self-made software package I used to make my blog. Feel free to use it!
A collection of smart contract vulnerabilities along with prevention methods
C implementation of the Antelope protocol with Savanna consensus
Python script using web3 library to replicate existing transactions with several accounts. The target is to automate on-chain actions on several accounts to farm airdrops.
The fuzzer afl is afl with community patches, qemu 5.1 upgrade, collision-free coverage, enhanced laf-intel & redqueen, AFLfast power schedules, MOpt mutators, unicorn_mode, and a lot more!
Memory optimal Small String Optimization implementation for C
A general-purpose BFT state machine replication library with modularity and simplicity, suitable for building hybrid consensus cryptocurrencies.
Linux memory pressure evaluation discovery toolkit
A bounded multi-producer multi-consumer concurrent queue written in C 11
A fast multi-producer, multi-consumer lock-free concurrent queue for C 11
Stable Diffusion and Flux in pure C/C
A modern C library for type-safe environment variable parsing
Modern concurrency for C . Tasks, executors, timers and C 20 coroutines to rule them all
C Requests: Curl for People, a spiritual port of Python Requests.
Fast, shared, upgradeable, non-recursive and non-fair mutex
We make any object thread-safe and std::shared_mutex 10 times faster to achieve the speed of lock-free algorithms on >85% reads
Omnitrace: Application Profiling, Tracing, and Analysis
Modular, contributor-friendly and blazing-fast implementation of the Ethereum protocol, in Rust
This repository contains a pure C ONNX implementation of multiple offline AI models, such as StableDiffusion (1.5 and XL), ControlNet, Midas, HED and OpenPose.
MrDocs: A Clang/LLVM tool for building reference documentation from C code and javadoc comments.