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Authentication Plugin for Vue 3


  • Checkout online demo here
  • View example project here


  • axios: Used as the default http client.
  • Vuex: Used to store auth state.
  • Vou Router: Used to redirect between pages.
  • TypeScript: Written in TypeScript, optimize for Vue TypeScript. But, also ship ESM and Common JS version on dist.


Install the package just like regular npm package.

npm i @gravitano/vue-auth
# OR
yarn add @gravitano/vue-auth


Use as Vue Plugin

Install the plugin to your Vue app.

// main.js
import {createApp} from 'vue';
import Auth from '@gravitano/vue-auth'; // 👈 import the plugin
import store from '~/store'
import router from '~/router'
import axios from 'axios'

const app = createApp(App);

app.use(Auth); // 👈 use the plugin

// or with custom options
// 👇
app.use(Auth, {
  options, // auth options
  store, // vuex store instance
  axios, // axios instance
  router // vue router instance
}); // 👈 use the plugin


After that, you can access the plugin via $auth global property.

  <div v-if="$auth.loggedIn">Logged In as : {{ $ }}</div>

If you are using composition API, you can also access the auth object by using inject method.

import {injectAuth} from '@gravitano/vue-auth'

// user is Ref
const {user} = injectAuth()

// access the user

Use with Composition API

To use the auth in composition API, just import and use the useAuth function.

import {useAuth} from '@gravitano/vue-auth';

const auth = useAuth();

// OR with object destruction
const {user} = useAuth();

login(payload: Object): Promise<AxiosResponse>

Login the user and save token to the auth storage.

  email: '[email protected]',
  password: 'admin',

fetchUser(): Promise<AxiosResponse>

Fetch user data from API.

const user = await auth.fetchUser();

setToken(tokenData: string): void

Manually Set User Token.


setUser(userData: Object): void

Manually set the user data.

const userData = {
  id: 1,
  name: 'Admin',


logout(): boolean

Logout the current user.


forceLogout(): boolean

Force logout the current user.


user: Object

Get the current user data.


loggedIn: boolean

Get the current logged in state.


Manually Creating The Auth Function

First, create auth.ts file under your src/plugins folder.

import {authOptions} from '~/config';
import store, {AppRootState} from '~/store';
import {createAuth} from '@gravitano/vue-auth';
import axios from 'axios';
import router from '~/router';

export const useAuth = () => createAuth<AppRootState>(authOptions, axios, store, router);

Then, in your component, just import and use it as regular composition function. For example:

<script setup lang="ts">
import {useAuth} from '~/plugins/auth'

// destruct user object from `useAuth` function
const {user} = useAuth();

console.log(user); // <-- user data

Default Options

This is the default options object:

import { AuthOptions } from '@gravitano/vue-auth'

export const defaultOptions: AuthOptions = {
  endpoints: {
    login: {
      url: '/auth/login',
      method: 'post',
    logout: {
      url: '/auth/logout',
      method: 'delete',
    user: {
      url: '/auth/me',
      method: 'get',
  token: {
    property: 'data.token',
    type: 'Bearer',
    storageName: 'auth.token',
    autoDecode: false,
    name: 'Authorization',
  user: {
    autoFetch: true,
    property: 'data',
    storageName: 'auth.user',
  moduleName: 'auth',
  expiredStorage: 'auth.expired',
  redirect: {
    home: '/',
    login: '/auth/login',
  registerAxiosInterceptors: true,
  storage: {
    driver: 'secureLs', // supported: cookie, local, secureLs (secure local storage)



  • login

    • url: Login path. E.g. /user/login
    • method: HTTP Method. E.g. GET, POST, etc.
  • logout

    • url: Logout path. E.g. /user/logout
    • method: HTTP Method. E.g. GET, POST, etc.
  • user

    • url: Endpoint for getting user data. E.g. /my/profile
    • method: HTTP Method. E.g. GET, POST, etc.


  • property

    Token property path using dot notation.
    • Type: string
    • Default: data.token
  • type

    Token type.
    • Type: string
    • Default: Bearer
  • storageName

    Token storage name.
    • Type: string
    • Default: auth.token
  • autoDecode

    Auto decodes token when possible. Usually used when using JWT Token.
    • Type: boolean
    • Default: true
  • name

    Token header name.
    • Type: string
    • Default:Authorization


  • autoFetch

    Fetch user data automatically when user successfully logged in.
    • Type: boolean
    • Default: true
  • property

    Property path of user data.
    • Type: string
    • Default: data
  • storageName

    Storage name for storing user data.
    • Type: string
    • Default: auth.user


Vuex's module name.

  • Default: auth
  • Type: string


Storage name for storing token expiratin time.

  • Type: string
  • Default: auth.expired


  • home

    Homepage path.
    • Type: string
    • Default: /
  • login

    Login path.
    • Type: string
    • Default: /


Register custom axios interceptors when true. Set the value to false if you want to use your own interceptors.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true


  • driver

    • Type: string
    • Default: secureLs
    • Available Options: local | secureLs | cookie

Implementing Refresh Token

To implement refresh token, update your auth options like so:

import { AuthOptions } from '@gravitano/vue-auth'

export const defaultOptions: AuthOptions = {
  endpoints: {
    login: {
      url: '/auth/login',
      method: 'post',
    logout: {
      url: '/auth/logout',
      method: 'delete',
    user: {
      url: '/auth/me',
      method: 'get',
     refresh: {
       url: '/auth/refresh_token',
       method: 'get',
  token: {
    property: 'data.token',
    type: 'Bearer',
    storageName: 'auth.token',
    autoDecode: false,
    name: 'Authorization',
  user: {
    autoFetch: true,
    property: 'data',
    storageName: 'auth.user',
  moduleName: 'auth',
  expiredStorage: 'auth.expired',
  redirect: {
    home: '/',
    login: '/auth/login',
  registerAxiosInterceptors: true,
  storage: {
    driver: 'secureLs', // supported: cookie, local, secureLs (secure local storage)
   refreshToken: {
     enabled: true, // <-- make sure the value is set to true
     property: 'data',
     maxAge: 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, // default 30 days
     storageName: 'auth.refresh_token',
     name: 'refresh_token',
     autoLogout: true,

Refresh Token Options


Indicates the refresh token is enabled or not.

  • Type: string
  • Default: false


Path of refresh token property from the response.

  • Type: string
  • Default: data.refresh_token


Maximum age of new token.

  • Type: number
  • Default: 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 (30 Days)


Storage name for storing refresh token data.

  • Type: string
  • Default: auth.refresh_token


Payload name to sent when refreshing token.

  • Type: string
  • Default: refresh_token


When true, user will forced to logout and login again when refresh token failed.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true
