Verifiable Delay Functions take a prescribed time to compute, even on a parallel computer, yet produce a unique output that can be efficiently and publicly verified.
We implement the approaches described in the following papers:
- Sloth(Quadratic Residue) Verifiable Delay Functions. Boneh, 2018
- Simple Verifiable Delay Functions. Pietrzak, 2018
- Efficient Verifiable Delay Functions. Wesolowski, 2018
To build from the source code you need to have a working Go environment with version 1.12 or greater installed.
$ git clone
$ cd vdf
$ make build
./bin/vdf -x=7 -t=1000
T:1000, x:7, P:8740186361822062383
Type: Sloth Quadratic Residue
Value: 37602270514657052337634791495305873950174757777621818362566683935496339681801
Delay: 0.10983 secs
Verify: 0.00064 secs
Verify Result: true
Delay/Verify: 170.32087
VDF is released under the GPLv3 License.