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Google Chat basic app

This code sample creates a simple Google Chat app that responds to events and messages from a room. The sample is built using Java 11 and Spring Boot on Google App Engine, Standard Environment.

Deploy the sample

  1. Follow the steps in Setting Up Your Development Environment to install Java and the Google Cloud SDK.

  2. Follow the steps in Using Maven and the App Engine Plugin to install Maven.

  3. Follow the steps in Setting Up Your GCP Resources to create a project and enable App Engine.

  4. Run the following command to deploy the app:

    mvn clean package appengine:deploy -Dapp.deploy.projectId=YOUR_PROJECT_ID

Configure the app for Google Chat

  1. To configure the app to respond to @mentions in Google Chat, follow the steps to enable the API in Publishing apps.
  2. When configuring the app on the Configuration tab on the Google Chat API page, enter the URL for the deployed version of the app into the app URL text box.

Interact with the app

Either add and @mention the app in a room or in a direct mention to engage with the app.

When added to a room or messaged, the app will respond with a simple reply.

Run the sample locally

  1. Run the sample.
    mvn spring-boot:run

To verify that the sample is running and responds with the correct data to incoming requests, run the following command from the terminal:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'http://localhost:8080' -d '{ "type": "MESSAGE", "message": { "text": "Hello!", "sender": { "displayName": "me"}}, "space": { "displayName": "some room"}}'