A Presto client for the Go programming language.
Sync MySQL data into elasticsearch
More powerful Golang ORM, just like Laraval or Thinkphp's eloquent ORM framework, Use easily but highly secure and performance enhanced in the core. Based on database/sql
GoFrame is a modular, powerful, high-performance and enterprise-class application development framework of Golang.
GoFly快速开发框架基于Gin快速开发框架,能快速搭建应用、框架底层完善、丰富代码仓插件、快速开发数据大屏、物联网平台、OA流程审批、工作流引擎、商城、微信管理后台等。api文档管理并一键生成api接口代码,一键生成 CRUD前后端代码丰富组件,基于 Gin和 Vue3的Arco Design的快速后台开发框架,基于JWT接口验证和Auth验证的权限管理系统,附件管理系统,天生支持saas…
⚡️ Express inspired web framework written in Go
everyx / gobyexample
Forked from gobyexample-cn/gobyexampleGo by Example 通过例子学 Golang
PostgreSQL manual Chinese translation by China PostgreSQL Users Group
PolarDB-X is a cloud native distributed SQL Database designed for high concurrency, massive storage, complex querying scenarios.
A cloud-native database based on PostgreSQL developed by Alibaba Cloud.