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A metal-based sandbox

What is this project

This is a learning sandbox made in C and Metal. I try to leverage as much as possible the work done in my previous engines to facilitate the work. The goal should be to achieve a framework easy enough to use to quickly prototype and hack techniques together.

As such one of the goals is to try to create a series of tools you can pick and match to do what you want, instead a big heavy "engine", all interconnected where you either pick the whole thing or nothing.

What this project is not

This is not, and never will be a final product, as mentioned above, is a learning project, a sandbox where I try stuff, often in a quick hacky way which I might never clean up. Don't take this code as an example of production quality code, with the limited time at my disposal I have to pick my battles. That does not mean I will partake in bad practices on purpose, but at the same time, I won't be striving for cleanness and tidiness as I would in production. There will be sharp edges and dark corners, beware.

As such, I won't go to the same great lengths as I did for SirEngine, for example, rolling all my own containers and data structure and avoid STL. I will be doing whatever makes me work faster. If using std::string and std::unordered_map gets me there quicker, so be it. If will start to be a speed limitation (I doubt, given the size of the project), I will deal with that at the time).

If you find something you don't understand how it works, or think it is bad/wrong/ugly, please feel free to open an issue. In particular, help/guidance would be excellent when it comes to Cocoa or objective-c/c that is all new stuff for me.


Most samples controls are the common WASD for the camera movement, Q/E for up and down, finally, left mouse click and drag to pan the camera.

To run, each sample will need to find the necessary data (meshes, shaders ...), during the build a config.json file should be copied from the same location of the source to the side of the executable, that json file will contain (among other things) the relative path (from the exec) to the resource folder.

Samples list:

Jump flooding selection.

This is an implementation of jump flooding algorithm used to generate a thick outline, similar to the one you might want to use for a selection in game. Inspired by those two great articles:


Shadows PCF and PCSS.

A simple implementaion of PCF shadows and PCSS., The PCSS shadow is not 100% physically accurate but is good enough for the test. You can press '`' on the keyboard (the button on the left of the 1, or the button tha maps to SDL_SCANCODE_GRAVE) to open the debug widget


Basic raytracing plumbing, shadow ray

A basic RT test, where a random shadow ray is traced from the primary ray hit, in a hemisphere. If something is hit, is considered occluded, otherwise sky color is used. Very basic mostly used as a test bed to get all the Metal Performance Shader plumbing to work. The sample keeps accumulating up to 9500 samples, then it stops. I suggest not to move the camera, the RT process is not reset on camera movement.


GLTF scene and argument buffers

This work was mostly a requirement for moving forward with the raytracing work, and also wanted to start loading asset properly, not simple obj but a more complex scene using mostly gltf. This sample shows the use of the gltf loader and the use of arguments buffer feature. All data is loaded and indexed through arguments buffers, both geometry and materials


Modern RT

This sample builds on top of the previous one where we load a GLTF scene as source data for the raytracer, compared to the 3rd samples, this sample used the newly release Metal Raytracing API as opposed to the Metal Performance Shader framework. To note this is a basic sample where metallic material is hardcoded in the shader, you can change the geometry index to change which object is metallic. In the future I will be reading more properly material data from the GLTF file.



This sample builds on top of the previous one (05). We use the basic RT created to generate lightmaps and then apply them in a raster render. The sample provides several options and debugging capabilities in the debug window ('`' on the keyboard) also allow you to see the gbuffer and lightmap generated. This sample to works requires texture read and write 2, barycentric coordinates and raytracing api to work.

basic basic

What this project used to be!

This project used to be a start of a game editor, but then due to reasons I decided to pivot and rewrite around a more sample based architecture, the old work is still available in the branch eidtor if you want to check it out. Here below the old log:

0.1.0: basic drawing
0.1.2: basic editor layout
0.1.4: engine structure and selction shader


This version is the hello world.

  • Basic cocoa window
  • Basic geometry rendering in Metal
  • Imgui
  • Metal init
  • Resize and clear color



Basic editor UI, the first step toward building an editor workflow

  • Basic editor UI with docking
  • Logging to editor, console and file
  • Loading shaders from file



Developing editor workflow and engine backend systems

  • Added the concept of project
  • Assets loaded from project folder, for now meshes and shaders
  • Loading obj meshes
  • Added texture, shader and mesh manager to handle resources through opaque handles
  • Added camera controls with settings being loaded and saved with project
  • Added jump flooding for creating selection shader
  • Added pso hashing to generate required PSOs on the fly if needed, user does not have to worry

alt text


A metal based game engine







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